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Microbiological Applications
Benson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The classic resource for undergraduate microbiology laboratory courses just keeps getting better. The self-contained, clearly illustrated exercises and four-color format make Microbiological Applications: A... czytaj dalej

Organizational Behavior 3e
S. McShane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In their substantially revised third edition, McShane and Von Glinow continue the trail-blazing innovations that made previous editions of Organizational Behavior recognized and adopted by the new generation... czytaj dalej

Cost Accounting
Brock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This student resource text is designed for use in postsecondary cost accounting courses. The seventh edition provides a practical knowledge of cost accounting systems and procedures delivered in a clear, accessible... czytaj dalej

Hedging Instruments & Risk Management How to Use Derivatives
Cusatis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Books on complex hedging instruments are often more confusing than the instruments themselvesHedging Instruments Risk Management brings clarity to the topic, giving money managers the straightforward knowledge... czytaj dalej

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
C. Barris Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Suspense, excess, danger and exuberant fun come together in Chuck Barris's unlikely autobiography, the tale of a wildly flamboyant 1970's television producer of innovative game shows such as 'The Gong Show'... czytaj dalej

H. Green Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

One of his most admired works, Loving describes life above and below stairs in an Irish country house during the Second World War. In the absence of their employers the Tennants, the servants enact their own... czytaj dalej

A. Wall Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Digby Walton was once the heir to an English pottery company. Now in old age he contemplates the history of that company as he reflects upon the modern world. He stares with a tragic eye at the society that... czytaj dalej

Visit of Royal Physician
Per Enquist Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Everyone has heard stories of King George, but few know about his brother-in-law, Christian VII, the King of Denmark at the end of the eighteenth century. When Christian VII, young, mad and highly impressionable... czytaj dalej

Dexter Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Lionel Walk, better known as Train, is a young black caddy at an elite Los Angeles golf course, where he comes to know a police detective he calls 'The Mile-Away Man'. Keeping his head down, he navigates his... czytaj dalej

WDM Technologies
Dutta Wydawnictwo: inne

The communications industry is at the onset of new expansion of WDM technology necessary to meet the new demand for bandwidth. This is the second of a four reference books that will cover this technology... czytaj dalej