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Surgical Approaches in Otorhinolaryngology
Thumfrat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The usual surgical approaches to the head and neck region are overviewed. Subdivisions were made according to the anatomical regions and their functional correlations. The approaches are explained in a short... czytaj dalej

Integrated Chemical Processes Synthesis Operation Analysis
Sundmacher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first book dedicated to the entire field of integrated chemical processes, covering process design, analysis, operation and control of these processes. Both the editors and authors are internationally... czytaj dalej

Lie Algebras Su(N) an Introduction
W. Pfeifer Wydawnictwo: inne

Lie algebras are efficient tools for analyzing the properties of physical systems. Concrete applications comprise the formulation of symmetries of Hamiltonian systems, the description of atomic, molecular and... czytaj dalej

Mind Over Matter
M. Schafer Wydawnictwo: inne

Several new developments in the field of neuroimmunology with focus on the brain-to-immune system communication have been the incentive for this PIR volume. It covers topics such as brain-immune interactions... czytaj dalej

Architecture of Von Gerkan Marg Partners
J. Zukowsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and their partners make up one of the most innovative architectural offices in Germany. This book presents 50 of the group's finest architectural designs. ... czytaj dalej

Auge & Innere Medizin
F. Tischendorf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Auge als erster Manifestationsort systemischer Erkrankungen kann diagnostisch wegweisend sein Frühzeitig erkannte okuläre Veränderungen können helfen, systemische Erkrankungen vorzubeugen oder rechtzeitig... czytaj dalej

Waiting for the Dog to Sleep
J. Ficowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Not part of any literary school or circle, Ficowski occupies a peculiar and unique place in Polish literature, and this is his only collection of prose. In these short stories and sketches Ficowski mythologizes... czytaj dalej

Arco Colour New European Architecture
F. Cerver Wydawnictwo: inne

Collected examples of architectural design. ... czytaj dalej

Peacekeepers Politicians & Warlords
A. Alao Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recording or assessing a wide canvas of concurrently running events is difficult, as a crisis and the international response to it develop in stages. This work sets out to record the environment of the Cotonou... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Nuclear & Particle Physics
Ferbel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Developed at the University of Rochester, this undergraduate textbook explains Rutherford scattering, nuclear models, basic applications of nuclear physics, particle detectors and accelerators, the properties... czytaj dalej