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Total Burn Care is a unique book that considers the complex management of burned patients from injury through to rehabilitation. This new edition covers the advances in the treatment of burns as well as the... czytaj dalej
Scumbler, an American painter living in Paris, after reaching sixty, begins to reexamine his life and values. ... czytaj dalej
This is a vivid, incisive account of Governor Schwarzenegger and his tenure in California politics, by the "Los Angeles Times" political reporter whose unique access and insight into Arnold has led... czytaj dalej
For the first time ever in 2004, virus costs outpaced the costs for any other type of security incident. A new technology called Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) greatly mitigates the virus problem. IPS can... czytaj dalej
In the rocks of Florissant, Colorado, lying in the shadow of Pikes Peak, is the evidence of a long-lost world. Encased by the ash of volcanoes that erupted tens of millions of years ago, animals such as insects... czytaj dalej
Beyond the Arctic Circle the aurora borealis tangoes across the night sky, in Stockholm tangled streets beg to be explored, and a wild weekend runtur in Reykjavík will leave you thirsting for more. Start your... czytaj dalej
The concept of the 'triple bottom line' (TBL) -- the idea that business activity can simultaneously deliver financial, social and environmental benefits -- was introduced in the early 1990s. A decade on, The... czytaj dalej
In a century of rapid social change, the British people have experienced two world wars, the growth of the welfare state and the loss of Empire.Charles More looks at these and other issues in a comprehensive... czytaj dalej
Każdy pragnie szczęścia. Czasami tylko trudno uwierzyć, że można je osiągnąć. Zebrane w książce rozważania utwierdzają czytelnika w tym, że realizacja marzeń o szczęściu jest możliwa, jest blisko każdego z nas.... czytaj dalej
To niestandardowa i wyjątkowa książka popularyzująca matematykę. Autorzy bardzo przystępnie, jednak bez nadmiernych uproszczeń, mówią o tej trudnej dziedzinie nauki, która w większości fachowych podręczników... czytaj dalej