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Fear of emerging diseases such as AIDS, SARS, and avian flu - and current concerns about bioterrorism and antibiotic resistance - have pushed the issue of infectious disease to the center of public consciousness... czytaj dalej
The new edition of this companion to Guyton Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition delivers the salient points from the parent text in a manner that is ideal for rapid comprehension of the core... czytaj dalej
The authors use algorithms or decision trees to guide clinicians through the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of thrombotic and hemostatic disorders. These problems are often life-threatening and must be... czytaj dalej
A discussion of how the "new science" provides powerful insights into the design, leadership and management of organizations. This edition has been expanded and revised, and has an epilogue, in which... czytaj dalej
If all firms face similar obstacles to profitable growth, how do some companies successfully burst through these barriers, leaving their competitors in the dust?Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan argue... czytaj dalej
Welcome to Scandinavia's coolest capital, where life is easy, the locals laid back and anything goes. Compact and cosy, this ultra-stylish harbour town has great shopping, a thriving counterculture and a renowned... czytaj dalej
This innovative and fully illustrated handbook provides the foundation for understanding the scientific basis of professional hair care, and is the first book to be written solely by a dermatologist on the... czytaj dalej
Independent institutes conducting policy research, analysis and public dialogue, or 'think tanks' as they are more commonly known, are one of the leading catalysts for ideas and action in civil societies around... czytaj dalej
Jest to seria adresowana do prawników, pracowników państwowej i samorządowej administracji, przedsiębiorców, studentów i wszystkich, dla których znajomość obowiązujących przepisów stanowi warunek prawidłowego... czytaj dalej
Doskonały przewodnik dla administratorów Jak optymalnie skonfigurować sprzęt i oprogramowanie? W jaki sposób dobrać urządzenia pamięci masowej? Jak zdiagnozować i usunąć usterkę serwera? Serwery sieciowe... czytaj dalej