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Stuff of Dreams
E. Ramsay Wydawnictwo: inne

Rich, romantic storytelling marks the magical new novel from the author of "A Way of Forgiving" and "Someday, Somewhere". There was a fire, a scandal. A famous actor died; his lover, a famous... czytaj dalej

Global Negotiator Making Managing & Mending Deals Around Wor
Salacuse Wydawnictwo:

In the global business environment of 2003, an executive must have the skills and knowledge to navigate all stages of an international deal, from negotiations to managing the deal after it is signed. The aim... czytaj dalej

College Physics with Mastering Physics
H. Young Wydawnictwo: inne

For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. For the Eighth Edition, Robert Geller joins Hugh... czytaj dalej

Forts of Celtic Britain
A. Konstam Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

Half a millennium before the Romans first arrived in Britain an even more ferocious people, the Celts, arrived in what is now south-eastern England. The Celts remained in Britain long after the Romans departed... czytaj dalej

LOST 3 Signs of Life
F. Thompson Wydawnictwo: inne

The worldwide hit TV series "Lost", which will be broadcast on Channel 4 from August 2005, takes place on a remote South Pacific island, where a plane crash has left 48 people stranded. The three... czytaj dalej

Creuset Cookbook
D. Rathgeber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this cookbook, acclaimed French chef David Rathgeber uses Le Creuset cookware to demonstrate 56 delicious and traditional French recipes. The recipes in this book use Le Creuset, the world's leading manufacturer... czytaj dalej

Carbon-Rich Compounds
Haley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Due to their innovative properties, the chemistry of carbon rich compounds is now one of the most interesting developments in the field of nano chemistry. New molecules with exciting novel properties underline... czytaj dalej

World Guide to Special Libraries 5e 2 vols
H. Optiz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The well-established World Guide to Special Libraries guides the user to over 35,450 libraries in locations scattered all over the world. 803 key words, structured alphabetically by country and name, comprise... czytaj dalej

Trick of the Eye
E. Hollmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From its eye-popping cover to the last page, this collection of optical illusion, hyperrealism, and visual puns is a fun and fascinating exploration of five centuries of trompe l#8217;oeil paintings. Each of... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Surgical Stapling
W. Feil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text sets out to guide the reader through the application of mechanical staplers and other surgical devices in different surgical procedures. It provides a description of staplers and other technological... czytaj dalej