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Advances in Motivation in Sport & Exercise
Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text is an updated and expanded version of Glyn Roberts' original "Motivation in Sport and Exercise". In this work, Roberts brings together 14 of the top scholars from the United States, Canada... czytaj dalej

Czechoslovak Culture
P. Martin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Compiled by Pat Martin. One chapter in this book is called "The Music is Alive." This well-written book is filled with lively stories of Czech traditions and celebrations, along with more than 100... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of World Literature in 20th Century v4
S. Serafin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century" is widely acclaimed for its in-depth information on the major aspects of literature in the 20th century. Now published by St. James Press, this... czytaj dalej

Richter et Dahl Rocha
J. Gubler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Selected for publication by a prestigious board, the architects and firms featured in the Contemporary World Architects series are recognized for their superior expertise, as well as their innovation, creativity... czytaj dalej

Denmark TSK 4e
Glenda Bendure Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explore fairytale castles, trace the footsteps of Vikings and stroll long sandy beaches -- let the romance of Denmark sweep you away. Whether you crave the designer cool of Copenhagen or to escape from the... czytaj dalej

Principles & Practice of Marketing
Blythe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The intention of this book is to explain the received wisdom about marketing, and provide the counter-arguments which moderate the debate. It examines what marketing does, and seeks to strike a balance between... czytaj dalej

Kenya TSK 6e
Parkinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jambo! Welcome to Kenya, home of lion prides, nomadic tribes and city-smart nightclubbers, realm of equatorial glaciers, ochre-red deserts and tranquil Indian Ocean coves. Whether you want to watch wildlife... czytaj dalej

Tablice matematyczne fizyczne chemiczne tmf12
Tomasz Szymczyk Wydawnictwo: Park

zestaw tablic matematycznych, fizycznych, chemicznych, może przydać się uczniom głównie z gimnazjum i liceum oraz studentom. Nauczyciele zaś znajdą w książce doskonałe kompedium, które pomoże w nauczaniu.... czytaj dalej

Deep Storm
Child Lincoln Wydawnictwo: inne

have to agree with "C.Green".. I am a big fan of Lincoln Child, especially of his solo-novels! I LOVED "UTOPIA" and I liked "DEATHMATCH", so I could not wait to find out what Child... czytaj dalej

Robotham Micheal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

IF THERE IS ONE LINE in Shakespeare that is more underrated than any other it is the four words uttered by Macduff when he has just been told that Macbeth has had his children murdered. But the would-be king... czytaj dalej