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This reference work targets researchers who have chosen a career in this complex but essential industry as well as people who are new in the industry and are looking for easy references to the work in which... czytaj dalej
With growing concern about the oceans and the resources of this realm has come a proliferation of international and national efforts aimed at protecting this environment. This volume constitutes the initial... czytaj dalej
An authoritative perspective on productivity from McKinsey Company. This series, published in cooperation with The McKinsey Global Institute, offers important ideas and provides a broad outlook on critical... czytaj dalej
Healthcare organizations are constantly designing effective systems aiming to help achieve customer satisfaction. Web-based and mobile-based technologies are two forms of information technologies that healthcare... czytaj dalej
Slalom the ski slopes at Kitzbühel, hike the trails through the Tyrol and explore the musical heritage from Salzburg to Vienna. Whether you?re here for the cities or to fill your lungs with pure mountain air... czytaj dalej
Once you set foot in baja, it's adios, troubles! Trade them in for endless beaches and cacti-filled deserts, fresh fish tacos and mouth-watering margaritas, all-night parties in crazy Cabo. Packed with opinionated... czytaj dalej
There used to be limited therapeutic options for women who developed metastatic breast cancer. However, recent development with novel systemic drugs and palliative surgical techniques, together with advances... czytaj dalej
'This book is very insightful and informative.'- Tae-Hee Jo, Oeconomicus'This book is an important contribution to how we understand economic openness. Penelope Hawkins focuses our attention on how financial... czytaj dalej
Jeżeli założymy, że czas teraźniejszy nie istnieje, a nasze życie jest funkcją pamięci o przeszłości i myśli o tym, co ma nadejść, łatwo jest ten typ refleksji przenieść na rozważania dotyczące sztuki, która... czytaj dalej
100 niezwykłych zwierząt świata to: * fascynująca różnorodność świata zwierząt * pełen faktów i ciekawostek tekst, zilustrowany unikatowymi fotografiami * szybki dostęp do najważniejszych informacji o gatunkach... czytaj dalej