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More than any other city, Cracow can rightly be called the soul of Poland. This concise volume offers the reader a panoramic view of Cracow, from its mythical founding to its designation as a European City... czytaj dalej
In 1939 the famous and influential architect Berthold Lubetkin stunned the British art world by abruptly leaving his thriving career in P London and dropping out of sight. "For reasons even his close friends... czytaj dalej
During gastrulation, tissue layers are formed and the overall body plan is established. This book is the definitive guide to this vitally important period in embryonic development, providing authoritative and... czytaj dalej
'Fodor's Guide to the Da Vinci Code' delves deep into the locations, people, historic events and landmarks that make up this gripping thriller which has captivated millions. Following the path of Robert Langdon... czytaj dalej
Benjamin, Alepho and Benson were raised among the Dinka tribe of Sudan. Their world was an insulated, close-knit community of grass-roofed cottages, cattle herders and tribal councils. The lions and pythons... czytaj dalej
Once a haven for pirates, 67 sleepy islands and cays off the Honduras mainland are now a budding ecotourism destination. The clear, warm waters are home to every fish species found in the Caribbean, as well... czytaj dalej
Misty mountains, verdant forests, spring wildflowers and fiery autumn foliage - the parks of the southern Appalachians reveal spectacular displays of nature around every corner. Hike the Appalachian Trail,... czytaj dalej
Sample the beers, taste the high life, feast on the architecture - and when you've had your fill, chill out in the spa towns, discover the fairy-tale castles and breathe deep in Slovakia's glorious mountain... czytaj dalej
SPIS TREŚCI: Rozwój anatomii patologicznej na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim oraz Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu wraz z zarysem historycznym przedmiotu Prehistoria i starożytność Bizancjum i średniowiecze Anatomia... czytaj dalej
Książka Paula Stauffera, historyka i dyplomaty szwajcarskiego, to trzy eseje historyczne powiązane wspólnym tematem: rolą obywateli szwajcarskich w historii Europy Wschodniej pierwszej połowy dwudziestego... czytaj dalej