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Thinking of Home
William Faulkner,James Watson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Letters reveal Faulkner's experiences during his twenties when he first visited the North, served in World War I, studied with Sherwood Anderson, and traveled through Europe. ... czytaj dalej

Routledge Guide to Broadway
Bloom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Routledge Guide to Broadway is the second title in our new student reference series. It will introduce the student to the Broadway theater, focusing on key performers, writers, directors, plays, and musicals... czytaj dalej

Howl a Book About Wolves
Melvin Berger,Gilda Berger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Did you know that wolves howl to warn their enemies away? Or that there are many different kinds of wolves, such as the tundra, timber, and red wolf? Written by renowned non-fiction authors Melvin and Gilda... czytaj dalej

Littles Get Trapped!
J. Peterson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While the Bigg family is away, no one is around to feed Hildy the cat. The Littles decide itšs up to them to see tat Hildy doesnšt starve. Tom thinks of an ingenious way to get the food out of the refrigerator... czytaj dalej

Invisible Man
Wells Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A stranger curiously dressed in bandages and dark glasses arrives at an inn and quickly instills fear and curiosity in those who surround him. A scientist who has discovered the means to make himself invisible... czytaj dalej

Dragon Slayers' Academy #2 Revenge of the Dragon Lady
K. McMullan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Dragon Slayers' Academy is back-and it's bigger and better than ever! The books have new covers and are now 112 pages long. Expanded from the old 96-page format, they now feature a fun Dragon Slayers' Academy... czytaj dalej

Type Rules
I. Strizver Wydawnictwo: angielskie

-Allan Haley, Director of Words and Letters, International Typeface Corporation "Type Rules! is a 'must-have' book for students and professionals alike. I highly recommend it." -Prof. Ed Benguiat... czytaj dalej

Wiley CPA Examination Review
Patric Delaney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Volume 1 Outlines and Study Guides Covers all four sections of the CPA examination point by point Stresses important topical areas to study for each part Helps establish a self-study preparation program... czytaj dalej

Nazis & Good Neighbors The United States
M. Friedman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This international history uncovers an American security program in which Washington reached into fifteen Latin American countries to seize more than 4,000 German expatriates and intern them in the Texas desert... czytaj dalej

H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Harold Pinter's response to world events is always pure and simple: he writes with an economy that throws the stark light of truth onto any given subject. There is no fudge, no dallying, no compromise. The... czytaj dalej