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Liners. The Golden Age
Robert Fox Wydawnictwo: Könemann

`Liners" The Golden Age` chronicles the great era of ocean liner travel from the close of the nineteenth century to the launch of the QE2 and beyond. In an age when a sea voyage stood for adwenture, escape... czytaj dalej

General Orthopaedics
Lewis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This portable reference provides succinct information regarding preparation, performance, and follow-up on a given procedure. The most common procedures from all orthopedic sub-specialties are included and... czytaj dalej

Over Here
Mosquera Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new realities of economic globalization have created new conditions for cultural practice. At the same time, the information circuits, designed to promote the generalization of Western culture, have also... czytaj dalej

Lead Yourself Before Leading Others 2e
M. Cope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Your personal success will come from the ability to manage two connected forms of leadership. How to:1. Lead Yourself - by having a clear understanding of the personal journey you wish to make and how it will... czytaj dalej

World According to Itzik
I. Manger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Manger's deceptively folkish style, which mixes fantasy and autobiography, Biblical plots and a fin-de-siecle East European setting, pathos and parody, angels wings and social protest, the lyric and dramatic... czytaj dalej

David Golder
Nemirovsky Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Presents the portrait of the frenzied capitalism of the 1920s and a universal parable about the mirage of wealth.... czytaj dalej

D. Willingham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate courses of beginning graduate courses in Introductory Cognitive Psychology. Using a unique question-and-answer format, this text comprehensively addresses many of the overarching questions... czytaj dalej

Real World Sharpening with Adobe Photoshop CS2
B. Fraser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It's a sad but undeniable fact of life: Whether you scan, shoot, or capture, the process of digitizing images introduces softness, and to get great-looking results, you'll need to sharpen the great majority... czytaj dalej

Our Game
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Another dropout from the business of spying for le Carre, this time in the form of recently retired spymaster, Tim Cranmer. Settling in the Somerset countryside with his inamorata, Emma, Cranmer is through... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Financial Accounting in Business
M. Bendrey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Essentials of Financial Accounting in Business is a companion volume to Essentials of Management Accounting in Business. Both volumes are a development of the authors' successful single-volume work Accounting... czytaj dalej