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This set includes articles from the four main fields which influence the study of mergers and acquisitions: economics, finance, strategic management and human resource management, but also takes into account... czytaj dalej
In the twenty-first century, as traditional divides are redefined, bargaining over corporate responsibilities has increasingly centred around corporate reputation and the question of whether businesses are... czytaj dalej
An informed yet readable examination of the circumstances and motivations for new country house building. The book considers whether any contemporary #8220;country houses#8221; are worthy of that appellation... czytaj dalej
This unique visual reference brings together almost 200 beautifully rendered drawings of trellises and gazebos, all based on authentic historic details from field and library research. This is the second in... czytaj dalej
A new approach to understanding and improving performance and public value This book presents the Public Service Value Model#150;an innovative, rigorous approach to defining public outcomes and quantifying... czytaj dalej
"Discovering Biological Psychology "is a text for the beginning undergraduate course in biological, or physiological, psychology. The book provides a foundational understanding of the structure and... czytaj dalej
The third edition has been fully updated and revised. Positioning in Anesthesia and Surgery 3/e is still the most authoritative reference and technique manual available on a subject of primary concern to every... czytaj dalej
A science librarian at the College of the Holy Cross explains the Journals of the Century Project's mission of having subject expert librarians offer their views on the most influential journals in their respective... czytaj dalej
Olaf Stapledon, philosopher, novelist, educator and social activist, had an imagination unlike that of any other figure in modernist literature. This broad anthology includes a generous sample of his fictional... czytaj dalej
Pojęcie i źródło zbiorowego prawa pracyUkłady zbiorowe pracyRegulaminy i statutyPrawo koalicjiPartycypacja pracowników w zarządzaniu zakładem pracy... czytaj dalej