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Browning Sonnets From Portuguese(Dover)
E. Browning Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Famed series of 44 love poems written to the poet#8217;s husband, Robert Browning, plus a selection of other poems.... czytaj dalej

Terror in the Mind of God
M. Juergensmeyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beneath the histories of religious traditions--from biblical wars to crusading ventures and great acts of martyrdom--violence has lurked as a shadowy presence. Images of death have never been far from the heart... czytaj dalej

Theory & Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy
G. Corey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This revision of Gerald Corey's best-selling text introduces students to the major theories of counseling (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, reality, behavior, cognitive-behavior... czytaj dalej

Sport Ethnography
Sands Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sport Ethnography is a complete introduction and resource in the emerging discipline of sport ethnography. Written by Robert R. Sands, PhD, an anthropologist well versed in the use of the ethnographic method... czytaj dalej

Manage Globally Sell Locally
A. Blackstone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In today's global marketplace, companies are moving their sales forces away from a territory focus to a more account-based approach. This new view of account management focuses on the account, not the geographic... czytaj dalej

Little Monkey's Big Peeing Circus
T. Veldkamp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Little Monkey is an exceptionally talented pee-er, so he decides to open a peeing circus in order to show off his gift. Mimi, a little girl monkey, wants to be part of the show, but Little Monkey tells her... czytaj dalej

Management of Information Systems
Effy Oz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Management Information Systems, Fifth Edition retains the five parts structure and updated part-opening business cases from previous editions, but features a new streamlined chapter organization to better fit... czytaj dalej

Henry Art Gallery
O. Ojeda Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Henry Art Gallery at the University, of Washington in Seattle desperately needed transforming as it was overshadowed by the large buildings that surrounded it. The award-winning Gwathmey Siegel and Associates... czytaj dalej

Right Hand of God
Kirckpatrick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The company has been scattered far and wide in its mission to prepare Faltha for war - now the armies of the Destroyer are near and invasion is imminent. The small group now possesses the Jugom Ark, the flaming... czytaj dalej

Ubezpieczenie społeczne Podręcznik akademicki
Muszalski Wojciech Wydawnictwo: PWN

Podręcznik ma na celu dostarczenie w pogłębiony sposób wiadomości o istotnych zasadach systemu ubezpieczenia społecznego, różnorodności jego modeli funkcjonujących w Europie i na świecie, współczesnych zmianach... czytaj dalej