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Vince's real name is Marty Hagen. A career criminal from New Jersey, he has been given a new identity in a sleepy Northwest city by the Witness Protection Program. Since he testified against the hoods he used... czytaj dalej
As a result of the expansion in the area of pharmaceutical medicine there is an ever-increasing need for educational resources. The Dictionary of Clinical Trials, Second Edition comprehensively explains the... czytaj dalej
The new computerized CPA exam became effective in 2004. Focus Notes provides a review of all the basic skills and concepts tests on the CPA exam and teaches important strategies to take the exam faster and... czytaj dalej
Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland takes issue with historians' common contention that the Catholic Church triumphed in Counter-Reformation Poland. In fact, the Church's own sources show that the story is... czytaj dalej
The archival collection has two parts. The first presents correspondence between the American economist, Alfred S. Eichner, and the English economist, Joan Robinson, and related documents. The correspondents... czytaj dalej
Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition , this volume is the most comprehensive, current text on exercise physiology and pathophysiology. It provides an organized method for evaluating causes of exercise... czytaj dalej
Richard Kern offers an unusually intimate look at women. His inspired, unique, and "real" approach is as daring as ever in this volume. Beyond traditional portraiture, his photographs manifest a strong... czytaj dalej
Transactional Information Systems is the long-awaited, comprehensive work from leading scientists in the transaction processing field. Weikum and Vossen begin with a broad look at the role of transactional... czytaj dalej
Forestry is one of the most important foundations of the Scandinavian economies. Sustainable Forestry in Southern Sweden: The SUFOR Research Project closely reviews the findings from the eight-year research... czytaj dalej
Kolodko, former finance minister of Poland, considers the links between issues of globalization and post-communist transition, the two most important economic features of the turn of the century. He discusses... czytaj dalej