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Leksykon zawiera omówienie wszystkich najważniejszych utworów literatury polskiej. W klimat każdej epoki wprowadza zwięzła synteza, informująca o najważniejszych zjawiskach w kulturze oraz prądach literackich... czytaj dalej
Academic superstars Andrew Ross, Edward Said, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Bad boy filmmakers Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee, and Brian de Palma. What do these influential contemporary figures have in common? In... czytaj dalej
Elizabeth Berg is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Never Change and Open House, which was an Oprah's Book Club selection in 2000. Joy School was selected as American Library Association Best Book... czytaj dalej
From the Renaissance to the end of the Ancien Regime, this book presents over three centuries of European art in both its social and cultural background. Examining painting, sculpture and architecture, as well... czytaj dalej
Business Communication: A Framework for Success presents a truly strategic approach to business communication. This text builds on a solid foundation of rhetorical and communication theories by including a... czytaj dalej
The impact of the environment on human health is of growing concern to the public, politicians and public health practitioners. Epidemiology offers a way of investigating and measuring potential hazards, from... czytaj dalej
This book contains a critical analysis of the law and politics governing the conduct of statutory elections in the United Kingdom. The author argues that elections have now become a marketplace for 'buying'... czytaj dalej
Obscenity' is central to an understanding of medieval culture, and it is here examined in a number of different media. ... czytaj dalej
Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature is a new series in English dealing with early Jewish literature between the third century BC and the middle of the second century AD; it is scheduled to encompass a total... czytaj dalej
"Cognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings" is specifically designed for an introductory course in Cognitive Linguistics. It brings together twelve foundational articles by leading figures in the field... czytaj dalej