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Proposing new theoretically sound indexes for measuring trade restrictiveness, with empirical results that show their application. A country's stance on international trade is an important component of its... czytaj dalej
This book presents a detailed picture of gay and lesbian tourism from, primarily, a marketing perspective and examines how marketing activity engages with and affects social issues relating to homosexuality... czytaj dalej
This book on network analysis is generally one of the basic texts a student of engineering refers to. While currently available books on the subject adequately cover the different facets the authors feel that... czytaj dalej
The perfect book for computer hobbyists, Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage is sure to equally appeal both to kids with gift certificates looking for fun on a snowy January day as well as to adults... czytaj dalej
"For the Sake of Humanity" is a collection of essays in honour of Clemens N. Nathan, a man occupying a remarkable position in the public life of the United Kingdom. Over a period of several decades... czytaj dalej
This second volume of a two-part project on the Mishnah displays a broad selection of approaches to the study of the Mishnah in the contemporary academy. The work derives from Israel, North America, and Europe... czytaj dalej
The latest edition of Curt White's top-selling text maintains a balanced approach between the technical and the practical aspects of data communications, providing a solid understanding not only of how things... czytaj dalej
An orthodox Jew is found shot dead in Montreal, the mutilated body is barely recognisable. Extreme heat has accelerated decomposition, and made it virtually impossible to determine the bullet trajectory.But... czytaj dalej
Combining science and biography into a seamless chronological narrative, the author brings to life the successes and failures, collaborations and feuds, and errors and insights that produced the revolution... czytaj dalej
"This is easily the most courageous and personal business book since Bill George's Authentic Leadership. I hope it's message is embraced worldwide".Charles Decker, author, Lessons from the HiveNext... czytaj dalej