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This two-volume set is the updated and expanded edition of Peter Cartledge... czytaj dalej
'Contemporary World Architecture' presents a comprehensive survey of international architecture at the end of the century and offers a critical study of the social, cultural and political changes that are shaping... czytaj dalej
Przewodniczącym Komisji Redakcyjnej Wojennej Enciklopjediji rosyjskiego wydawnictwa Wojennoje Izdatielstwo, był Minister Obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej I. N. Rodionow.8 tomów Encyklopedii zawiera 11 tysięcy haseł... czytaj dalej
The poster acquired the category of art at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe and later in the United States. Major museums and private institutions in this latter country and in Germany, France and... czytaj dalej
More than any other that has yet appeared, this book gives the human flavour of life in Poland today and explains with great lucidity many of the paradoxes of that brave and individual nation. The last two... czytaj dalej
In keeping with its bestselling previous editions, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, fourth edition, offers the most readable, interesting, and up-to-date overview of aerodynamics to be found in any text. The classic... czytaj dalej
For the last few months Anglo-Italian novelist Tim Parks has been writing of his devotion to Italian football club Hellas Verona in The Guardian. In A Season with Verona we get a chance to read the full and... czytaj dalej
In a South Africa torn by civil war, Michael K sets out to take his mother back to her rural home. On the way there she dies, leaving him alone in an anarchic world of brutal roving armies. Imprisoned, Michael... czytaj dalej
Before the start of the Clone Wars, the future Emperor was already maneuvering to destroy the Jedi. This is the tale of the doomed Outbound Flight Project, which began as a new hope for the galaxy...and ended... czytaj dalej
This is a fascinating new insight into the British army and its evolution through both large and small scale conflicts. To prepare for future wars, armies derive lessons from past wars. However, some armies... czytaj dalej