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Ivory Carvings in Early Mediaeval England
J. Beckwith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ivory carvings are among the most beautiful achievements of medieval art. They reflect not only the deeply religious nature of the medieval world but also express the consummate skill and highly creative minds... czytaj dalej

Killer Algae
A. Meinesz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In the late 1970s, a Stuttgart zoo imported a lush, bright green seaweed for its aquarium. "Caulerpa taxifolia" was captively bred by the zoo and exposed, for years, to chemicals and ultraviolet light... czytaj dalej

Bad Man Ballad
Scott Sanders Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The time is 1813, during America's last war with England; the place is the Ohio Valley, the thickly wooded, hilly, creek-carved highway of western settlement. Wolves still howl at midnight on village greens... czytaj dalej

Return of Bunny Suicides
A. Riley Wydawnictwo: inne

This is dark humour at its best, a collection of hillarious and outrageous cartoons, which will appeal to anyone in touch with their evil side. Surreal ideas for all the fluffy little bunnies that just don't want to live anymore. ... czytaj dalej

With Courage & Common Sense
S. Albert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Women who were 60 or older at the turn of the 21st century have lived through some of recent history's most momentous moments - and yet these women often believe that their personal lives and stories are insignificant... czytaj dalej

Chicanas & Chicanos in School
Pizarro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By any measure of test scores and graduation rates, public schools are failing to educate a large percentage of Chicana/o youth. But despite years of analysis of this failure, no consensus has been reached... czytaj dalej

Speech Generes & Other Essays
Bakhtin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Speech Genres and Other Late Essays" presents six short works from Bakhtin's "Esthetics of Creative Discourse", published in Moscow in 1979. This is the last of Bakhtin's extant manuscripts... czytaj dalej

Military Errors of World War Two
K. Macksey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This work contains 16 examples of greed, arrogance and complacency which contributed to failure and defeat in World War II. It includes Hitler's postponement of the invasion of Britain, the Battle for the Atlantic... czytaj dalej

Key Writers on Art vol 2
C. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Key Writers on Art: The Twentieth Century offers a unique and authoritative guide to modern responses to art. Featuring 48 essays on the most important twentieth century writers and thinkers and written by... czytaj dalej

Jungle Child
S. Kuegler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sabine Kuegler verbrachte ihre Kindheit in Papua Neuguinea. Der Urwald war ihr Zuhause, die Kinder der Pygmäen ihre Spielgenossen. Mit 17 wird sie von ihren Eltern in ein Internat in der Schweiz geschickt und... czytaj dalej