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This volume offers a fresh look at one the finest surviving works of Palaeoithic art: the paintings in the cave of Altamira in Northern Spain. Charts, maps and descriptions guide the readers through the cave... czytaj dalej
Twenty years ago, a boy named Jack Sawyer travelled to a parallel universe called The Territories to save his mother and her Territories 'twinner' from a premature and agonizing death that would have brought... czytaj dalej
'Dr. Maura Isles makes her living dealing with death. As a pathologist in a major metropolitan city, she has seen more than her share of corpses every day - many of them victims of violent murder. But never... czytaj dalej
This work focuses on the life of Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler's Foreign Minister from 1938 until the end of the Third Reich. At the heart of German power during the war, this strange, sinister and intriguing... czytaj dalej
Gain an extra step on the competition! Build the speed, quickness, balance, and agility that are crucial to sport performance.Edited by three strength and conditioning experts, Training for Speed, Agility,... czytaj dalej
Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan has revealed itself a a strategic central Asian republic. This comprehensive guide and handbook provides an overview of the Uzbek economy and the opportunities... czytaj dalej
Owen Bishop's First Course starts with the basics of electricity and component types, and introduces students to practical work almost straight-away. No prior knowledge of electronics is assumed. The approach... czytaj dalej
The Goodman of Paris (Le Menagier de Paris) wrote this book for the instruction of his young wife around 1393. He was a wealthy and learned man, a member of that enlightened haute bourgeoisie upon which the... czytaj dalej
Na terenie trzech kociewskich powiatów znajduje się 28 kościołów z XIII i XIV wieku. Są to piękne, murowane świątynie na czele z gotycką Katedrą Pelplińską. Wszystkie one warte są ?odkrycia? i upowszechnienia... czytaj dalej