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"BRS Embryology, Fourth Edition" is a succinct outline-format review for USMLE and course exams, with USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive USMLE-style examination at... czytaj dalej
The challenge facing today's high performers is to pursue creative, life-long learning. FT Mastering Management is your solution, enabling you to develop your own management learning program. Updated and reorganized... czytaj dalej
This book is the third volume in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a prolific period... czytaj dalej
Incomparable accuracy and clarity of Netter medical illustrations found in Netter#8217;s best-selling ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Third Edition have now been #8220;super-sized#8221; for accelerated learning in... czytaj dalej
L'humour est, il faut l'avouer, assez rare en SF. Douglas Adams a relevé le défi en publiant, a partir d'un feuilleton radiophonique, une série de romans drôles, du moins pour ceux qui goutent un certain type... czytaj dalej
Access the definitive reference text on ophthalmic pathology with the speed, power, and convenience of CD-ROM. Coverage includes the eyeball, conjunctiva, sclera, glaucoma, vitreous, uvea, eyeball and lacrimal... czytaj dalej
For some time now, a new approach has been emerging to questions of town planning and the use of public and private space. The focus is no longer on the master plan, the strategy, and the making of long-term... czytaj dalej
Mary Jago had donated bone-marrow to save the life of someone she didn't know. This generous act led to her break-up with Alistair, for whom it was as if her beauty had been plundered. However, the man whose... czytaj dalej
The detection and measurement of the dynamic interactions of proteins within the living cell are critical to our understanding of cell physiology and pathophysiology. With FRET microscopy and spectroscopy techniques... czytaj dalej
Winner of the 1961 National Book AwardThe dazzling novel that established Walker Percy as one of the major voices in Southernliterature is now available for the first time in Vintage paperback.The Moviegoer... czytaj dalej