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Notes from a Defeatist
J. Sacco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Before Sacco crafted his two major works of "cartoon journalism, " "Palestine "and "Safe Area Gorazde, " he created a number of shorter pieces, ranging from one-page gags to 30-page... czytaj dalej

Emulating Natural Forest Landscape Disturbances
A. Perera Wydawnictwo: inne

What is a natural forest disturbance? How well do we understand them and how might we emulate them in forest management? What role does emulation play in forest management? Representing a range of geographic... czytaj dalej

Managing Global Enterprise
J. Leontiades Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This exciting new book examines the management of the new global enterprise. It aims to help managers with decisions associated with making their company into a global player and focuses specifically on integrating... czytaj dalej

Trial of Joan of Arc
Hobbins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

No account is more critical to our understanding of Joan of Arc than the contemporary record of her trial in 1431. Convened at Rouen and directed by bishop Pierre Cauchon, the trial culminated in Joan's public... czytaj dalej

Suburb of Europe
J. Jedlicki Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this superbly written book, Jerzy Jedlicki presents the reader with a contribution to the increasingly rich literature devoted to the 'intelligentsia'. A Suburb of Europe, however, does not so much deal... czytaj dalej

Cave of Altamira
Pedro Ramos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume offers a fresh look at one the finest surviving works of Palaeoithic art: the paintings in the cave of Altamira in Northern Spain. Charts, maps and descriptions guide the readers through the cave... czytaj dalej

Andersen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Andersen Taylor is a theoretically balanced, mainstream, comprehensive text characterized by its emphasis on diversity. In every chapter, students explore research and data that illustrate how class, race-ethnicity... czytaj dalej

Novak's Gynecology
J. Berek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Maintaining the highly successful style of the previous edition, this comprehensive and general gynecological textbook provides guidance for the management of specific gynecological conditions. Organized into... czytaj dalej

WITCH Chapter Book Fire of Friendship - Book #4
E. Lenhard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Five girls discover magically mysterious powers in the first exciting episode of W.I.T.C.H. When Taranee arrives at her new school, the Sheffield Institute, she's not sure that she wants to be in an institute... czytaj dalej

Hiroshima Notes
Kenzaburo Oe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Japanese novelist Oe, who won a Nobel Prize in 1994, wrote these searching essays between 1963 and 1965, when he made frequent visits to the rebuilt city of Hiroshima and interviewed survivors. The collection... czytaj dalej