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Geographical Variation in Waders
M. Engelmoer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The migratory habits and migration schedules of waders can better be understood by analysing their measurements. Therefore, we need a clear characterization of breeding populations and the proper statistical... czytaj dalej

Managing Windows with VBScript & WMI
D. Jones Wydawnictwo: inne

Scripting has always been popular among UNIX administrators for automating repetitive tasks and simplifying difficult ones. Microsoft developed VBScript with an eye towards encouraging Windows administrators... czytaj dalej

Homer's Text & Language
Nagy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As Homer remains an indispensable figure in the canons of world literature, interpreting the Homeric text is a challenging and high stakes enterprise. There are untold numbers of variations, imitations, alternate... czytaj dalej

Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organi
Hilbeck Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Many international forums have identified the need for comprehensive, scientific methods for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure their environmental safety and... czytaj dalej

Walking Talking Lying
Simmons Wydawnictwo: inne

Laurie Simmons is one of the first contemporary American photographers to have created elaborately-staged narrative photographs. Using dolls to act out piquant scenarios within specially constructed environments... czytaj dalej

Raymond Loewy
Tretiak Wydawnictwo: inne

While Andy Warhol is known for creating icons, it is Raymond Loewy who built monuments. At once an engineer and a visionary, this master of streamlined design integrated movement into his designs in what would... czytaj dalej

Grave Secrets
Kathy Reichs Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Forensics expert Temperance Brennan travels to Guatemala City to help investigators solve decades-old political murders, but when four new murders occur, Temperance realizes that someone in the Guatemalan political... czytaj dalej

J. Sturz Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Dry heat has its own exhaustion, its own madness; the visiting academics in James Sturz's Sasso were always going to be outsiders in the closed-in South Italian society of Mancanzano, but the logic of events... czytaj dalej

Human Fossil Record 4 vols
Schwartz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work provides a compendium of uniform descriptions and illustrations of fossils from all the major sites that document the human evolutionary past. It focuses on the documentation of morphology, the essential... czytaj dalej

Career Counseling
Zunker Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This highly successful book has been called the most comprehensive text on the market, providing students with needed career theory as well as practical techniques and examples. Through the author's clear writing... czytaj dalej