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Winter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When economists wrestle with issues such as unemployment, inflation, or budget deficits, they do so by incorporating an impersonal, detached mode of reasoning. But economists also analyze issues that, to others... czytaj dalej

Adobe Photoshop CS2
A. Dennis Wydawnictwo: inne

This thorough, self-paced guide to Adobe Photoshop CS2-written by the experts at Adobe Systems- is ideal for beginning users who want to learn key Photoshop concepts and techniques, while readers who already... czytaj dalej

Honourable Schoolboy
J. Carre Wydawnictwo: inne

This is the second of le Carre's Smiley novels, featuring the character of George Smiley who was introduced in "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy". The story involves the betrayal of a Soviet spy and suspicions... czytaj dalej

American Civil War in Indian Territory
J. Spencer Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

In 1861, Oklahoma was the home of the transported Five Civilized Tribes. When the Civil War broke out, both Union and Confederate state forces moved in and began fighting, both in the Indian Territory and across... czytaj dalej

Managing the Menopause Without Oestrogen
M. Rees Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Publication of the results of various studies into the use of HRT has resulted in increasing interest in the use of alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. This book includes up to date evidence on the... czytaj dalej

Languages of the World / Sprachen der Welt
Albrecht Klose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new edition of an index of the languages of the world is a response to the recurring reference problem: to identify languages and dialects, to classify them and, if necessary, to determine the correct... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of German Biography v 3
W. Killy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of German Biography is now at last to be published in English. The Dictionary is unique, complete and comprehensive with biographies of 60,000 people from the German-speaking world. It covers... czytaj dalej

Design i Grafika Dzisiaj
Q. Newark Wydawnictwo: inne

Design i Grafika Dzisiaj prezentuje różne dziedziny grafiki użytkowej, analizuje je poprzez typografię, połączenie tekstu i obrazu, co jest jej sednem, oraz przez proces powielania wszelkich przejawów wzornictwa... czytaj dalej

Rethinking Civilization Analysis
Arjomand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'At last, a volume on civilization that truly reflects the complexity of multiple civilizations. The wealth of contributions Arjomand and Tiryakian have assembled demonstrates the value of an old concept... czytaj dalej

Fatal Remedies
Donna Leon Wydawnictwo: inne

It began with an early morning phone call. A sudden act of vandalism had just been committed in the chill Venetian dawn. But Commissario Guido Brunetti soon finds out that the culprit waiting to be apprehended... czytaj dalej