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Prezydent w Polsce po 1989 r. studium politologiczne
Redakcja naukowa: Rafał Glajcar, Marek Migalski Wydawnictwo:

Książka stanowi wnikliwą analizę prezydentury w Polsce po roku 1989. Politologiczne podejście autorów pozwoliło na ukazanie instytucji głowy państwa oraz aktywności politycznej poszczególnych prezydentów w... czytaj dalej

Oxford Dictionary of Biology
Elizabeth Martin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fully revised and updated, this new fifth edition is the perfect guide for those studying biology, either at school or university. Containing many new entries, and with biographical entries on key scientists... czytaj dalej

Merger Control in the EU
Navarro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This second edition of Merger Control in the EU provides the reader with an exhaustive analysis of the European Community rules relating to merger control, including the new EC Merger Regulation 139/2004 of... czytaj dalej

Asset & Liability Management Tools
Scherer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A multi-author volume that provides a complete and non-technical presentation on all the very latest Asset and Liability Management issues and techniques required to stay ahead of the curve in today's volatile... czytaj dalej

Essais 2 (290)
M. Montaigne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lecteur, je suis moi-męme la matičre de mon livre" : c'est ce surprenant aveu de subjectivité qui ouvre l'un des textes les plus modernes de la littérature française, quoique l'un des plus anciens. Ŕ la... czytaj dalej

Great Pursuit
Tom Sharpe Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The gullible author of a totally filthy novel, sure to make a shameful pile of money in America, is dispatched across the Atlantic for a chaotic publicity tour.... czytaj dalej

Angel Fire East
Terry Brooks Wydawnictwo: inne

As a knight of the Word, John Ross has struggled against the tireless dark forces of the Void for twenty-five years with the magic he wields. Now Ross has learned of the birth of a gypsy morph, a rare and dangerous... czytaj dalej

Jonathan Kellerman Wydawnictwo: inne

After solving a case that involved a hated female professor in THE CLINIC, Dr. Alex Delaware is once again asked by LAPD detective Milo Sturgis to find the killer of a despised woman in this grisly thriller... czytaj dalej

Oggi in Italia
Franca Merlonghi,Ferdinando Merlonghi,Joseph Tursi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This highly successful, market leading text for an introductory Italian course features a balanced, flexible approach that stresses communicative competency and cultural awareness. The 18 thematically organized... czytaj dalej

Isokinetics in Human Performance
Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text bridges the gap between the clinical and applied practice power. The book highlights studies in a variety of areas of isokinetic research, including functional applications, unique populations and... czytaj dalej