Mass for Arras

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A medieval outbreak of witch-burning and anti-Semitism provides the basis for Polish novelist Szczypiorski's stunning political allegory of the ever-present danger of totalitarianism. The PEN Club Award-winning author depicts this historical episode through the eyes of the guilt-ridden Jan, a Christian intellectual who participates in the mass hysteria but later escapes the herd mentality after he finds himself suspected of heresy. This resonant story is a timely meditation on crimes committed in the name of religion and on the misplaced faith the ruled place in their rulers. The translation preserves the pungent medieval atmosphere, evoking a mindset that, the author implies, is very much alive today. -- Publishers Weekly

Informacje dodatkowe o Mass for Arras:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
ISBN: 978-0-8021-3402-8
Liczba stron: 0


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Inne książki autora
Beautiful Mrs Seidenman
Andrzej Szczypiorski0
Okładka ksiązki - Beautiful Mrs Seidenman

The omniscient author tells a story of survival during WW II, wonders at the inscrutable ways of God, and attempts unsuccessfully to divine why the world...

Za murami Sodomy
Andrzej Szczypiorski0
Okładka ksiązki - Za murami Sodomy

Doktorze, każdy Niemiec wiedział, że jest barbarzyńcą. I zgadzał się na to. Nasz oportunizm jest nieśmiertelny. Każdy wiedział, że robi rzeczy złe, ale...

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