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Okładka - Grass for his Pillow
Grass for his Pillow
Hearn Lian

Abducted by his teacher, Kenji, Takeo is condemned to work as an assassin, an enforced occupation that his father sacrificed his life to escape. Still he is determined to carry on the name of the Otori. At...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mastering Modern German History 1864-1990
Mastering Modern German History 1864-1990
John Traynor

Mastering Modern German History 1864-1990 addresses the key political, social and economic developments in German history from 1864, to unification, through to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and re-unification...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mastering Statistics, 3rd Edition
Mastering Statistics, 3rd Edition
Tim Hannagan

The third edition of this highly successful book covers all the essential information needed to master statistics. Fully revised to match examination and course developments. Clear calculations, diagrams and...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mastering World Religions
Mastering World Religions
Ray Colledge

In one book, all the essential information to learn about six of the main religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. A complete, self-contained, well illustrated course for individual...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mastering Modern World History
Mastering Modern World History
Norman Lowe

The fourth edition of this best-selling coursebook is designed to help college and first year university students. It requires no previous knowledge and covers international relations and major conflicts during...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mastering Social Welfare, 4th Edition
Mastering Social Welfare, 4th Edition
Pat Young

Mastering Social Welfare provides a comprehensive introduction to social issues and welfare in Britain, and is written for all caring, welfare, social work and nursery nurse courses. It describes and analyses...czytaj dalej

Okładka - A History of Spain
A History of Spain
Simon Barton

Spain is different was for a long time the explanation proffered by historians when they sought to explain the course of the nation`s exceptionally rich and varied history. Spain was the only region in the...czytaj dalej

Okładka - A History of the Pacific Islands
A History of the Pacific Islands
Steven Roger Fischer

This wide-ranging study of the Pacific Islands provides a dynamic and provocative account of the peopling of the Pacific, and its broad impact on world history. Spanning nearly 50,000 years of human presence...czytaj dalej

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