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The second edition of the Handbook of Data Communications and Networks covers many of the key areas in modern communication systems. It is split into several sections, including: * Data Communications ... czytaj dalej
examines evolution of microbial pathogenesis, capitalizing on explosion of knowledge of molecular mechanisms and microbial genome sequencing; covers general concepts of microbial evolution including gene acquisition... czytaj dalej
The thoroughly updated Eighth Edition of the top-selling NCLEX-RN(R) review reflects the current NCLEX(R) test plan and contains more than 5,000 total test questions -- including new alternate format questions... czytaj dalej
This book is a snapshot of the vision shared by outstanding scientists on the key theoretical and experimental issues in Mesoscopic Physics. Quantum properties of electrons in solid state devices and transport... czytaj dalej
Professor Betteridge has bought together a definitive collection of 35 case studies written by opinion leaders in the field of lipid management. Each case is a highly informative study based on each contributor's... czytaj dalej
In the research project presented in this PhD-thesis, an innovative type of fibre concrete is developed, with improved both the tensile strength and the ductility: the Hybrid-Fibre Concrete (HFC). The expression... czytaj dalej
The farm ruminant industry forms the core of livestock agriculture in Europe and many other parts the world, and suffers major economic loss every year due to reproductive dysgenesis. Protozoal diseases cause... czytaj dalej
Introduction to Modeling in Wildlife and Resource Conservation provides students with the skills to develop their own models for application in conservation biology and wildlife management. Assuming no special... czytaj dalej
This book focuses on the development and application of the latest advanced data mining, machine learning, and visualization techniques for the identification of interesting, significant, and novel patterns... czytaj dalej
This book is a timely survey of much of the algebra developed during the last several centuries including its applications to algebraic geometry and its potential use in geometric modeling. The present volume... czytaj dalej