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Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology V 7
Kirk-Othmer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An unrivaled library of information for the chemical industry. The Fourth Edition will be completely revised and will include many new subjects reflecting the growth and changes in chemical technology through... czytaj dalej

Stormwater Management for Land Development
Seybert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Starting from the basics, Stormwater Management for Land Development builds a thorough understanding of fluid dynamics and hydrology before presenting the reader with practical methods and designs to control... czytaj dalej

Theory Of Sound v 1
J. Rayleigh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Volume 1 of the classic text by the great Nobel laureate sums up all research in the field prior to 1877, then presents Rayleigh's own original contributions to the theory of sound. Introduces general concepts... czytaj dalej

Industrial Process Control
G. Kalani Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a comprehensive, practical, easy-to-read book on process control, covering some of the most important topics in the petrochemical process industry, including Fieldbus, Multiphase Flow Metering, and... czytaj dalej

Competition Versus Predation in Aviation Markets
Forsyth Wydawnictwo: inne

Prior to liberalization, there was little scope for predatory behaviour in the aviation market. However, following deregulation, new entrants sought to compete with entrenched incumbents. Low-cost carriers... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics
T. Yechout Wydawnictwo: inne

This textbook is based on a 15-year successful approach to teaching aircraft flight mechanics at the U.S. Air Force Academy. It explains all the concepts and derivations of equations for aircraft flight mechanics... czytaj dalej

Electronic Excitations in Liquefied Rare Gaes
W. Schmidt Wydawnictwo: inne

DESCRIPTION Electronic Excitations in Liquefied Rare Gases is a unique and only reference source published in last 50 years that reviews the research and development of liquefied rare gases, which took place... czytaj dalej

ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 2
Mitchell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The most commonly used spatial statistical tools are described in detail along with their applications in a range of disciplines, from crime analysis to habitat conservation. GIS users will learn how features... czytaj dalej

Chemical Occurrence Data Sets for Source Water Assessments
Stevens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The product of this research has extensive application to the drinking water and regulatory communities for assessing source waters, enriching the ability to assemble and evaluate all existing and readily available... czytaj dalej

Niezwykła technika starożytności
Dick Parry Wydawnictwo: Amber

Czy egipski Labirynt opisywany przez Herodota i Strabona rzeczywiście istniał? A wiszące ogrody Babilonu? Czy Silbury Hill, największy w Europie starożytny kurhan, zbudowano celowo - czy był raczej niezamierzonym... czytaj dalej