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Over the past few decades, in concert with ground-breaking experimental advances, condensed matter theory has drawn increasingly from the language of low-energy quantum field theory. This primer is aimed at... czytaj dalej
This well-respected text gives an introduction to the modern approximation techniques andexplains how, why, and when the techniques can be expected to work. The authors focus on building students' intuition... czytaj dalej
Frankenfoods, designer babies, Dolly the Sheep and Raelian fantasists: few subjects generate as much controversy and misinformation as biotechnology. This book takes the reader behind the headlines to examine... czytaj dalej
Yield losses and reduced crop quality, caused by plant viruses are an increasing problem. Several important plant viruses are, in addition to their sap and vector transmission, also transmitted through seed... czytaj dalej
Includes a CD-rom! Derek Haylock's highly acclaimed and comprehensive guide effectively equips teachers with the confidence to explain mathematical ideas and procedures to pupils in ways that will deepen... czytaj dalej
Collaborative Engineering for Product Design and Development provides an in depth analysis of the collaborative technologies, processes and methodologies to support the product design and development process... czytaj dalej
As demand for applications working in extended frequency ranges increases, classical Digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, not protected against aliasing, are becoming less effective. Digital alias-free... czytaj dalej
This is the ultimate materials engineering text and resource: world class authors; design led-approach, broader scope than other texts; to a level of detail that is appropriate for undergraduate courses; innovative... czytaj dalej
Zestaw 3 książek:BorgiowieGervaso, RobertoCzasy okrutnych kondotierów, występnych papieży i książąt bez skrupułów Niewiele było w historii nazwisk budzących tak wielką odrazę jak nazwisko Borgiów. W tej rodzinie... czytaj dalej
Książka zawiera wykład na temat wszystkich znajdujących obecnie zastosowanie technologii produkcji elektryczności i ciepła. Przedstawiono w niej zasoby i ogólną charakterystykę głównych paliw oraz pojęcie systemu... czytaj dalej