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Celestial Images
M. Mendillo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Celestial Images celebrates the Golden Age of astronomical charts. Illustrations of cosmologies and heavenly phenomena entered an innovative phase at the time of the Renaissance, when the invention of printing... czytaj dalej

Control Systems
N. Jagan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This primary purpose of this book is to provide a good textbook on control system in simple language so that students with urban as well as rural background can easily understand. As many engineering colleges... czytaj dalej

Environmental Geography
William Marsh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Describes the use and misuse of the environment and where we seem to be headed as a species on the planet. Emphasizes the geographic aspects of problems, such as air pollution, locational factors, scales considerations... czytaj dalej

Applied Numerical Linear Algebra
Demmel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed for first-year graduate students from a variety of engineering and scientific disciplines, this comprehensive textbook covers the solution of linear systems, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems... czytaj dalej

Consider A Spherical Cow
J. Harte Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"This book should be read and used by all students of environmental studies, and should be an important acquisition for any research, teaching, or general academic library." Choice ... czytaj dalej

Poznaj płazy
Aimee Bakken Wydawnictwo: Muza

Niezastąpiona, wydana w bardzo nowoczesny sposób książka wprowadzi najmłodszych czytelników w tajniki działania ciała płazów. W prosty, ale rzetelny sposób na przykładzie żaby omówiono w niej i opatrzono ilustracjami... czytaj dalej

Speaking About Science
S. Morgan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Essential reading for professionals who present data at meetings and academic conferences. This is an important career skill for anyone in the sciences, and the book features step-by-step instruction for creating... czytaj dalej

Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
N. Uraltseva Wydawnictwo: inne

This and the previous volume in the series (see TRANS2/218) consist of articles written on the occasion of the 60th birthday anniversary of the well-known St. Petersburg specialist in number theory Sergey Vostokov... czytaj dalej

Lads & Ladettes in School
C. Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This innovative book looks at how and why girls and boys adopt 'laddish' behaviours in schools. It examines the ways in which students negotiate pressures to be popular and 'cool' in school alongside pressures... czytaj dalej

Raising Achievement in Secondary Mathematics
Watson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book brings together research and professional knowledge to enhance the teaching of lower attaining students in secondary mathematics. Attainment in mathematics is an important social issue, since underachievement... czytaj dalej