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Health and disease are coeval with life. Form time immemorial man has been interested in trying to control diseases. The medicine man and herbalist undertook in various ways to cure man's disease and bring... czytaj dalej
Computer Climate Models are essential tools for understanding environmental change but the results of modelling exercises are seldom accessible to the wider community of teachers and researchers on their desktop... czytaj dalej
Environmental engineering protects the conditions of a safe environment, its role being crucial in eliminating ecological threats. It has an interdisciplinary character, utilising principles from biology, chemistry... czytaj dalej
Książka powstała na podstawie wykładów, które Autorzy prowadzili dla studentów fizyki Wydziału Podstawowych Problemów Techniki na Politechnice Wrocławskiej.W książce przedstawiono:- podstawowe wiadomości na... czytaj dalej
Pierwszy od wielu lat uniwersytecki podręcznik fleksji polskiej, uwzględniający nowe osiągnięcia w tej dziedzinie i prezentujący je w sposób nowoczesny, zwięzły oraz dostępny dla studentów. Ponieważ zawiera... czytaj dalej
The book focuses on the recent dynamical development in fuzzy decision making. Various kinds of dynamics regarding not only time but also structure of systems are discussed in theory and applications. First... czytaj dalej
This eye-opening, well-researched examination of mankind's oldest competitor is filled with weirdly fascinating information about the history of the rat and the way it consistently outsmarts man. Illustrations. ... czytaj dalej
Backed by the collective knowledge and expertise of the worlds leading Geographic Information Systems company, this volume presents the concepts and methods unleashing the full analytic power of GIS. ... czytaj dalej
Applications of fuzzy theory (often referred to as 'fuzzy logic') are maturing and multiplying at a phenomenal rate, and a comprehensive treatment of these real-world techniques and applications is now very... czytaj dalej
This collection examines the Sahara holistically from the earliest (prehistoric) times through the historical period to the present and with political direction into the future. The contributions cover palaeoclimatology... czytaj dalej