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Polski system partyjny /w.1/
Migalski Marek, Wojtasik Waldemar, Mazur Marek Wydawnictwo: PWN

Pierwsza całościowa propozycja refleksji nad polskim systemem partyjnym po 1989 roku. Ogromna dynamika i żywiołowość procesu kształtowania się systemu partyjnego zmusza autorów do ciągłej aktualizacji i zarazem... czytaj dalej

Fascynująca Błękitna Planeta
Parker Jane, Green Jen Wydawnictwo: Philip Wilson

Fascynująca błękitna planeta” odkrywa przed nami znaczenie tropikalnych lasów deszczowych na nasz glob, wpływ oceanów na klimat Ziemi oraz życie mieszkańców krain polarnych.... czytaj dalej

Principles of Digital Audio
Pohlmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cash in on the hottest digital audio technologies.Through three bestselling editions, Ken C. Pohlmann Principles of Digital Audio has illuminated the frontiers of digital audio science, taking readers from... czytaj dalej

Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius
Cutcher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The newest addition to the bestselling żEvil Geniusż series, this book gives electronic hobbyists everything they need to master basic circuits and circuit design through 57 easy-to-follow lessons and 5 fun... czytaj dalej

Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Geo
Stephansson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Among the most important and exciting current steps forward in geo-engineering is the development of coupled numerical models. They represent the basic physics of geo-engineering processes which can include... czytaj dalej

Spectra & Dynamics Diatomic Molecular
Lefebvre Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is written for graduate students just beginning research, for theorists curious about what experimentalists actually can and do measure, and for experimentalists bewildered by theory. It is a guide... czytaj dalej

Engineering Biosensors
Ajit Sadana Wydawnictwo: inne

Biosensors are becoming increasingly important bioanalytical tools in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, and other consumer oriented industries. The technology, though well developed in Europe, is slowly... czytaj dalej

UMTS Networks
H. Kaaranen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

UMTS Networks provides an outstanding description of 3rd generation UMTS mobile networking technology. It discusses both the core network evolving from the globally successful GSM/GPRS system and the radio... czytaj dalej

Statics & Dynamics With Background Mathematics
Roberts Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book uniquely covers both Statics and Dynamics together with a section on background mathematics, providing the student with everything needed to complete typical first year undergraduate courses in these... czytaj dalej

Creations of Fire
C. Cobb Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A provocative history of the people behind the greatest discoveries in chemistry. In this fascinating history, Cathy Cobb and Harold Goldwhite celebrate not only chemistry's theories and breakthroughs but also... czytaj dalej