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Now in its updated Third Edition, BRS Pathology is an excellent preparatory review for course exams. Chapters parallel most standard pathology texts and each chapter ends with a review test. Topics covered... czytaj dalej
Long established as a staple reference for all radiation oncologists, Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers: Indications and Techniques is now in its Third Edition. This completely updated edition presents... czytaj dalej
Patarca-Montero (medicine, microbiology, and immunology, U. of Miami School of Medicine) discusses current research indicating that chronic fatigue syndrome may have an infectious etiology and that genetic... czytaj dalej
Survival rates in cases of uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma -- the leading intraocular malignancies in adults and children -- may be high, but means of earlier diagnosis and improved treatment options are... czytaj dalej
The authors provide a general strategy for therapeutics and look at the major pathological processes which take place in disease before covering specific systems and disorders in more depth. ... czytaj dalej
Provides exercises, that can be practiced anywhere, to strengthen and refine concentration. -- Shows how to use a personal trigger mechanism and how to warm up the mind's analytical paths by repeating the appropriate... czytaj dalej
At the beginning of the post-sequencing era, biology must work with the enormous amounts of quantitative data being amassed and must render complex problems in mathematical terms, with all of the computational... czytaj dalej
The etiology of infantile spasms/West syndrome remains unknown; the pathophysiology is poorly understood and the optimal course of treatment is controversial. The primary goal of this volume is to carefully... czytaj dalej
The new 5th version of this leading reference presents a complete and up-to-date review and analysis of all aspects of endocrinology, diabetes, and bone metabolism -- both in print and online. Readers will... czytaj dalej
ANNOUNCING THE NEW VERSION OF THE ACCLAIMED CRASH COURSE SERIES, REWORKED FOR STUDENTS SITTING THE USMLE EXAMS! The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts... czytaj dalej