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Obrazowanie magnetyczno-rezonansowe
Gonet Bolesław Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL

Książka jest dodrukiem do ostatniego, najnowszego wydania dzieła, które ukazało się nakładem Wydawnictwa Lekarskiego PZWL. Celem książki jest zapoznanie Czytelników ze zjawiskiem jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego... czytaj dalej

Tumor-Suppressing Viruses Genes & Drugs Innovataive Cancer T
H. Maruta Wydawnictwo: inne

In recent years, there has been increased focus on new and alternative treatments for cancer to replace the standard surgery, radiation and damaging drugs. This enlightening book presents the various cancer... czytaj dalej

Clinicians'Guide to Lipids & Coronary Heart Disease 2ed
D. Betteridge Wydawnictwo: inne

This fully updated revision of the well-received first edition continues to provide a clear, comprehensive and up-to-date account of the role of lipid management in the prevention of coronary heart disease... czytaj dalej

Heart Failure Management
N. Sharpe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 19 chapters which comprise this text cover all aspects of heart failure, and are extremely readable and well-organized. The references selected for each chapter are sufficient but not exhaustive and there... czytaj dalej

MCQs & EMQs for the MRCS
R. Al-Ghnaniem Wydawnictwo: inne

MCQs and EMQs for the MRCS comprises 570 multiple choice questions and extended matching questions in the format of the latest MRCS examination. The questions are presented as six practice papers of 50 MCQs... czytaj dalej

Making Medicines Affordable
Chaudhury Wydawnictwo: inne

Availability and easy accessibility to quality medicines for the population is an important component in the health care services of any country. If the primary health system is not able to provide medicines... czytaj dalej

Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases
Laskaris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on the best-selling hardcover edition, the new edition of the Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases provides complete information on the diagnosis and treatment of oral disease. Featuring 367 vivid color photographs... czytaj dalej

Traumatic Brain Injury
D. Marion Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Focusing on the more commonly seen conditions to increase the book... czytaj dalej

Ultrasonic Energy for Cutting Coagulating & Dissecting
Feil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ultrasonic energy can be applied to surgical instruments for cutting, dissecting, and coagulating vessels and/or tissue. This book presents the use of ultrasound energy as it is used in UltraCision products... czytaj dalej

Ocular Fundus
S. Wolf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Learn how to 'read' the optic fundus:- What tests are indicated?- How do I interpret the findings?- What is the next step?This book guides you quickly and confidently from finding to diagnosis.Practice-oriented-... czytaj dalej