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Pharmacists Talking with Patients, Second Edition is a complete introduction to patient counselling for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists. In an easy-to-understand style that's a pleasure to read... czytaj dalej
Now it its Fifth Edition, this best-selling text and atlas is the perfect text for medical, health professions, and undergraduate biology students. It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes clinical and... czytaj dalej
This reference presents mixed opioid receptor agonists as a new class of agents for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pain. Key topics include cloning and expression of the human delta opioid receptor.... czytaj dalej
Alone or in combination with environmental factors, heredity is at the root of most cases of hearing impairment. Thanks in large part to positional cloning techniques, scientists have identified nearly 100... czytaj dalej
As a companion volume to Champion Textbook of Dermatology, this book covers all aspects of the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders in children. Like Champion, it will be structured as a large... czytaj dalej
Skeletal Muscle: Form and Function, Second Edition, provides readers with a detailed understanding of the different facets of muscle physiology. Meticulously researched and updated, this text examines motoneuron... czytaj dalej
The first edition of Mark Ptashne's 1986 book described the principles of gene regulation in phage lambda. This newly updated third edition focuses once again solely on phage. ... czytaj dalej
Lecture Notes: Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine new edition, is a core text that covers the basics of epidemiology - preventive medicine - public health - the organisation of medical care. The book is... czytaj dalej
A practical book with a symptom, problem based, approach backed up by disease specific facts appropriate for undergraduates. Includes an appendix of multiple choice questions, case histories for discussion... czytaj dalej
The cholinergic synapse is an important interdisciplinary research topic for two principal reasons: 1. Its intrinsic value as a system of choice for investigating many fundamental issues of development, structure... czytaj dalej