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USMLE Road Map Physiology
Pasley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents a concise and focused examination of the essential concepts in physiology. Through a streamlined and easy-to-follow hierarchical outline format, it guides students through the basic physiologic... czytaj dalej

Neurologic Infectious Diseases
Roos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only comprehensive guide to diagnosis and treatment of infections of the nervous system!Written by the internationally recognised leader in the field, this practical text provides comprehensive coverage... czytaj dalej

Schwartz's Principles of Surgery
F. Brunicardi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most modern and complete approach to general surgery, written by the most prominent academic and full-time practicing surgeonsIt is a new book. All chapters overhauled and includes 75% new material.Easier... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Examination & Board Review
Daum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive review highlighted by full-color photos Covering the entire scope of pediatric medicine, this comprehensive, case-based review is destined to become the field's leading exam prep guide. 300... czytaj dalej

Review of Surgery 3e
Townsend Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This excellent surgical study tool offers superb preparation for in-service and national qualifying exams. Readers can assess and expand their knowledge with hundreds of challenging review questions, including... czytaj dalej

Evidence-Based Opthalmology
B. Wormaid Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Evidence-Based Ophthalmology offers a unique approach to managing eye disease. From systematic reviewing of evidence, this book provides an overview of techniques for optimum management in key areas, including... czytaj dalej

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Atlas of Opthalmology
R. Parrish Wydawnictwo: brak danych

System RequirementsPC Windows: CD-ROM drive; 386 or better, minimum 4 MB of RAM; VGA or EGA monitor; DOS 3.1 or higher; Windows 3.1 or higher.Macintosh: 68020 or better; minimum 6 MB of RAM; System 7 or higher... czytaj dalej

Health Safety Nutrition Young Child
Marotz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Emphasises the critical relationship between children's health, safety and nutrition and the critical relationship between these three areas in an easy-to-read and thought-provoking format. Offers practical... czytaj dalej

Nephrology Secrets
Donald Hricik,John Sedor,Ganz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Students and practitioners alike often find nephrology to be a difficult subject, with its emphasis on chemical relationships and Acid-Base and Electrolyte Imbalances and Disorders. Nephrology Secrets, in its... czytaj dalej

Pineal Gland & Melatonin
S. Maitra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text includes recent literature on pineal research on reproduction, melatonin rhythm, carbohydrate metabolism and immunity. ... czytaj dalej