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Immunopathogenetic Aspects of Disease Induced by Helminth Pa
D. Freedman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Just as the magnitude of the growth and developmental problems attributable to human helminthiasis are being fully realized, we are able for the first time to describe defined immune responses giving rise to... czytaj dalej

Clinical Chemistry Concepts & Applications
Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Clinical Chemistry" offers students an expert treatment of the theory, concepts, correlations, and applications of clinical laboratory science. The book explains the principles of analytical techniques... czytaj dalej

Children With Cancer The Quality of Life
B. Eisler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cancer is a very rare disease in children. There have been impressive gains in survival in recent years, and these have been achieved through the use of chemotherapy and national and international clinical... czytaj dalej

Dna moczanowa. Porady lekarzy i dietetyków
Pachocka Lucyna, Jarosz Mirosław Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL

Dna zaliczana jest do chorób cywilizacyjnych, związanych z nieprawidłowym sposobem żywienia, polegającym na nadmiernym spożyciu potraw tłustych, bogatych w białko, oraz kawy i alkoholu. Jest to rodzaj zapalenia... czytaj dalej

Dieta greckiego doktora
Lindberg Fedon Alexander Wydawnictwo: Rebis

Doktor Lindberg, który prowadzi nowoczesną klinikę oferującą pacjentom multidyscyplinarną terapię wielu schorzeń, przedstawia w tej niezwykłej książce sposób, w jaki można zmienić tryb życia, by przejąć kontrolę... czytaj dalej

Abdominal Stomas & Their Skin Disorders Atlas of Diagnosis
C. Lyon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This innovative handbook aims to bridge the gap between the colorectal surgeon, the stoma nurse and the dermatologist. It addresses the questions of what pathology is involved, what can be done by nurses, when... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Interventional Cardiology
B. Meier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing upon one of the world's finest collections of illustrative material, An Atlas of Investigation and Therapy: Interventional Cardiology demonstrates the practical application of interventional procedures... czytaj dalej

Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Positioning
Torsten Moeller,Emil Reif Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text features adjustment techniques for all the standard examinations in conventional radiology, including contrast studies, with notes on carrying out CT and MRI. There is full image and textual information... czytaj dalej

Microneurosurgery Cassette 3
M. Yasargil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

AVM of the Brain, Clinical Considerations, General and Special Operative Techniques, Surgical Results, Non-operated Cases, Cavernous and Venous Angiomas, Neuro-anesthesia... czytaj dalej

Lessons in Renin System Pathophysiology for Treating Hyperte
Laragh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here's an essential reference for anyone needing an advanced understanding of the nature and treatment of hypertension. Dr. Laragh, a pioneering clinician and scientist, demonstrates the central role of an... czytaj dalej