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05 MAJA 1999
Hikaru no Go tom 1
Yumi Hotta, Takeshi Obata Wydawnictwo: inne

Historia rozpoczyna się, kiedy młody chłopiec, Hikaru Shindō, odnajduje na strychu domu dziadka planszę do gry w go – goban. Na planszy widać plamy krwi – jednak dostrzega je tylko Hikaru.... czytaj dalej

01 MAJA 1999
Boys’n Girl tom 4
Kei Yasunaga Wydawnictwo: inne

Aria Hoshina transfers to the prestigious school, Saiko Garden, to be with her father, who told her he supervises a girl's dorm. When she arrives there she finds the 222 boys that live there to be troublesome.... czytaj dalej

22 KWIETNIA 1999
Akuma no Ororon #1
Mizuki Hakase Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 1 cyklu: Akuma no Ororon

Chiaki, a half of humans and angels, picked up the devil Orolon on a rainy Monday.He offers to vomit only one Chiaki's wish. "I'm always near you" ... That's Chiaki's wish.Thus, Chiaki and Ororon have started... czytaj dalej

12 KWIETNIA 1999
Shamo tom 3
Izou Hashimoto, Akio Tanaka Wydawnictwo: inne

At the age of sixteen Ryo Narushima was a genius and looked to have no trouble of getting into Tokyo University and joining the elite of society. However, that summer something cracked inside Ryo's head. With... czytaj dalej

01 KWIETNIA 1999
Haru wo Daiteita tom 1
Nitta Youka Wydawnictwo: inne

This lighthearted romantic comedy lampoons the adult film business, the mainstream media, and the natural vanity of actors while exploring the earliest stages of a new relationship.... czytaj dalej

24 MARCA 1999
Kizuna tom 6
Kazuma Kodaka Wydawnictwo: inne

The web of death has tightened around Kei, Ranmaru, and Kai, and their only ally is the unlikely hitman-turned-bodyguard Tashiro. But will even his deadly skills be enough to win the day when Tashiro comes... czytaj dalej

01 MARCA 1999
Akane-chan Overdrive #1
Mizuki Kawashita Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 1 cyklu: Akane-chan Overdrive

Nineteen-year-old Takashi Amamiya dies after tripping on a bottle but is transported into a body of a cute girl, Akane Hagiwara. Following this, Amamiya goes through various trials and tribulations dealing... czytaj dalej

25 LUTEGO 1999
Hana yori Dango tom 22
Yoko Kamio Wydawnictwo: inne

The story of Tsukushi, an average teenage girl with the courage to stand up for her rights. Despite all her trials, she finds herself in a love triangle. Will she ever find her special someone and live happily ever after?... czytaj dalej

01 LUTEGO 1999
Czarodziejka z Księżyca tom 11
Naoko Takeuchi Wydawnictwo: inne

Ostatnia strona : Oto tom pełen atrakcji: "Ukochany księżniczki Kagui" - poprawiony pierwowzór filmu z końca 1994: "Sailormoon S" - plus "Wspomnienie o casablankach": opowiadanie z Rei w roli głównej - plus... czytaj dalej