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Rycerz Andromedy Shun spotyka swojego brata, Rycerza Feniksa Ikki'ego. Shun zostaje przez niego zaatakowany i przegrywa walkę. Seiya i jego przyjaciele postanawiają złapać Rycerza Feniksa.... czytaj dalej
Contrary to what his actions as an adult have led Kenji and his pals to believe, back when they were children, Fukube really wanted to be their friend. Fukube even went so far as to let them read all the latest... czytaj dalej
After a long absence, the young shaman Samizo Kohei returns from the dead with a prophecy of the apocalypse. Or part of him returns, at least - most of his body has been replaced with the transplanted body... czytaj dalej
But they're not the people you know. Sakura is the princess of Clow - and possessor of a mysterious, misunderstood power that promises to change the world. Syaoran is her childhood friend and leader of the... czytaj dalej
Kun, who was told that "sex machines" and "existence of himself is obscene," fell in love for the first time with Super Cool Beauty Yumi Sama. I struggle to win your love while struggling with a cold gaze-with... czytaj dalej
After failing the entrance exams to her school of choice, Hiyoko Osora gets an acceptance letter from SM Academy. But she didn’t even apply or take its exam! When she arrives, there’s something... czytaj dalej
There is a rumor going around that a twelve-year-old boy is going to enter the sixteen-year-old and under tennis group. How can someone so young ever hope to compete with kids much older and more experienced... czytaj dalej
Back in action with a new body to abuse, Tokagero is out for revenge against Amidamaru, the samurai who killed him 600 years ago. But when Amidamaru is in danger, it spells trouble for spirit medium Yoh.... czytaj dalej
Though Mazata has jettisoned his mechanical arms, he still possesses the even deadlier Dragon Claws. But when the Black Dragon withing Soichiro comes out to play, things get ugly! In the aftermath, Soichiro... czytaj dalej
Po zniszczeniu Serca Kain i Abel powrócili do swoich wcieleń, przy okazji doprowadzając do wielu szkód na terenie Szkoły. Jednak to nie koniec. Rozpoczyna się ostateczna rozgrywka między nimi... czytaj dalej