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xxxHolic tom 2
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Kimihiro Watanuki thought he had signed up with a bunch of weirdoes, and he was right! He became the unfortunate indentured servant of a woman known as Yûko Ichihara, who was widely rumored to be the time-space... czytaj dalej

Magic Knight Rayearth tom 2
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Until recently, the only time magic entered into the lives of schoolgirls Hikaru, Umi and Fuu was when they played video games. But now their lives have become one big fantasy adventure, full of monsters, wizards... czytaj dalej

Shokugyou Tenshi
Touko Fujikawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Zbiór czterech poruszających historyjek o tematyce nadprzyrodzonej.... czytaj dalej

Rainbow tom 3
Abe George, Kakizaki Masasumi Wydawnictwo: inne

Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Heitai and Kyabetsu are put into a reformatory for offences such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay... czytaj dalej

Black Cat. Vol.15.
Kentaro Yabuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Volume 15: Eve in Battle Chapters: 132: "The First Encounter" 133: "Let's Defy Gravity" 134: "There is a Way" 135: "I'll Risk My Fist!" 136: "Engulfing Winds" 137: "Eve's Intense Battle" 138: "Eve in Midair"... czytaj dalej

Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 3
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

Okuni Izumono discovers a rebel group's secret hideout and must depend on Kyooshiroo for protection. However, after he runs afoul of the local police, he and his companions are forced to leave town and set... czytaj dalej

Chobits tom 3
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Chcąc sprawić radość Hidekiemu, Chii zaczyna pracę w Peep-Show. Gdy szef lokalu próbuje zmusić ją do czynu lubieznego, Chii reaguje tak gwałtownie, iż przerywają pracę wszystkie komputery w okolicy.... czytaj dalej

26 WRZEŚNIA 2003
Ibara no Ou tom 2
Yuji Iwahara Wydawnictwo: inne

Narrowly escaping their island prison through the once-welded underground hatch, our band of survivors now find themselves making a tense escape through a half-submerged tunnel. The watery path may look serene... czytaj dalej

25 WRZEŚNIA 2003
Akumetsu tom 4
Yoshiaki Tabata, Yuuki Yugo Wydawnictwo: inne

In a near-future Japan where politicians and businessmen pamper and lavish themselves amidst growing public unrest, while excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall... czytaj dalej

17 WRZEŚNIA 2003
School Rumble tom 2
Jin Kobayashi Wydawnictwo: inne

Harima Kenji has never lost a fight, but his love for the clueless Tsukamoto Tenma is proving to be his greatest challenge. After catching his cherished Tenma-chan and an unexpected rival in a lunchtime tryst... czytaj dalej