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17 WRZEŚNIA 2004
School Rumble tom 6
Jin Kobayashi Wydawnictwo: inne

The school athletics fair is meant to be a celebration of youth and fitness, but personal grudges, haughty attitudes, and long-standing rivalries have turned healthy competition into all-out war! Will Tsukomoto... czytaj dalej

16 WRZEŚNIA 2004
Akumetsu tom 9
Yoshiaki Tabata, Yuuki Yugo Wydawnictwo: inne

In a near-future Japan where politicians and businessmen pamper and lavish themselves amidst growing public unrest, while excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall... czytaj dalej

15 WRZEŚNIA 2004
xxxHolic tom 5
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Kimihiro Watanuki is the indentured servant of Yûko, the beautiful but completely unpredictable Space-Time Witch. He must work at her bizarre wish-granting shop until he can pay off his own wish: to be... czytaj dalej

13 WRZEŚNIA 2004
D.Gray-man tom 2
Katsura Hoshino Wydawnictwo: inne

An akuma, generated by a 1,000-year-old phantom, is implanted into a human's soul during a moment of devastation and despair. The phantom uses the demons to then carry out his goal: destroy all humankind.... czytaj dalej

Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari tom 2
Yoshi, Yuu Yoshii Wydawnictwo: inne

W parku Ayu poznaje pewnego staruszka, dzięki któremu zdaje sobie sprawę, czy jest prawdziwe szczęście. Postanawia skończyć szkołę i znaleźć normalną pracę, jednak jest jej trudno zapomnieć o przeszłości.... czytaj dalej

07 WRZEŚNIA 2004
Shaman King tom 4
Hiroyuki Takei Wydawnictwo: inne

The "Shaman Fight in Tokyo" is approaching, and talent scouts are scouring the world for contestants. Who's doing the scouting? The Patch, the Native American people who have overseen the Shaman Fight since... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 3
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

The Nationals are coming and Seishun Academy has started training harder than ever! During practice, Rikkai Junior High School's 8th-grader ace Akaya Kirihara spies on Seishun Academy's team. Luckily, he is... czytaj dalej

04 WRZEŚNIA 2004
Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru tom 17
Yasushi Baba Wydawnictwo: inne

Kohinata Minoru is a college student at a college that is popular for its sports rather than academic orientation. Although he starts out as a gymnast alongside his friend, Nana, Minoru is bullied by the higher... czytaj dalej

03 WRZEŚNIA 2004
Gintama tom 3
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej

Busou Renkin tom 4
Nobuhiro Watsuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Kazuki inadvertently reveals his identity as an Alchemist Warrior to the Hayasaka twins, members of the L.X.E. (League of Extraordinary Elects), when he activates his Buso Renkin in front of them. After Tokiko... czytaj dalej