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Collection of interconnecting oneshots: 1) Con Te (With You) A waiter, Neri, working in a high-end restaurant likes intellectual gentlemen and is currently involved in a "sexual relationship" with a third-class... czytaj dalej
With the whole of the Mongol invasion force at his very heels, Moon Bin Kim and his fetching servant girl are on a desperate flight to his father's stronghold at Ghu Zhu Palace. On the road, Moon Bin will encounter... czytaj dalej
In a near-future Japan where politicians and businessmen pamper and lavish themselves amidst growing public unrest, while excessive corruption and speculation lead the country to a massive economic downfall... czytaj dalej
Back in action with a new body to abuse, Tokagero is out for revenge against Amidamaru, the samurai who killed him 600 years ago. But when Amidamaru is in danger, it spells trouble for spirit medium Yoh.... czytaj dalej
As the road to the Nationals narrows, Seishun Academy squares off with St. Rudolph. Through the maneuverings of Hajime, Saint Rudolph's cunning manager, Ryoma gets matched up with Yuta-known to many as "Lefty... czytaj dalej
Allen starts to question the Black Ministry about the "Clan of Noah" and the reason he became an Exorcist. With his left eye injured and incapable of detecting akuma, he has come to understand the constant... czytaj dalej
The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej
It's a reunion--mafia style! Dino, the 10th-generation of the Chiavorone family, and Reborn's former student, brings his squad of goons to pay Tsuna a visit. The explosive little Lambo decides to liven things... czytaj dalej
Dawno, dawno temu istniał tylko Jeden Świat, gdzie Duchy i Stworzenia żyły w zgodzie i harmonii. Ale do świata wdarło się Zło i rozpadł się on, a jego mieszkańcy podzielili się na tych, którzy pragnęli... czytaj dalej