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Model Asagi ma problem z bolącym zębem. Po wizycie u dentysty, Yui'ego, stwierdza, że nie tylko ma problem z zębem, ale też z pięknym mężczyzną... Ale Yui nalega, żeby Asagi zostawił go w spokoju.... czytaj dalej
The story is about Takanashi Momoko, a 16-year-old girl. Her life is pretty normal, until her twin brother, Akira, disappears. Akira was supposed to enter a high-class all-boys school but he runs away to pursue... czytaj dalej
Sakuragawa Miyako is a graduate student at Eito University against the wishes of her family. She finds out that the prince of Istria Wilfred (WIll) is studying abroad and is at Eito University. She wants to... czytaj dalej
Hayato zabronił Yunowi przychodzić do swojego mieszkania, bo jak sam powiedział, "wpadnie do niego przyjaciel". Przyjacielem okazuje się być Motoki, a Yun, tak jak wiele innych osób przekonany jest, że tych... czytaj dalej
Haruka is a young girl with precognitive abilities that allow her to predict the future with incredible accuracy. Unfortunately, these powers have made her a target for greedy corporations. Haruka uses her... czytaj dalej
After failing the entrance exams to her school of choice, Hiyoko Osora gets an acceptance letter from SM Academy. But she didn’t even apply or take its exam! When she arrives, there’s something... czytaj dalej
Excited, angry, calm, stressed, happy, sad, warm, exasperated... Feelings that come one after the other, or even perhaps all at the same time, when one is involved in a relationship. These are also the same... czytaj dalej
The most feared General of all time has returned! His name is Oda Kazusa-no-suke Nobunaga! Even more shocking than the master's identity is the demonic power that drives him. Can Kyo the thousand-killer find... czytaj dalej
New troubles and new characters are introduced in this exciting installment of "Saiyuki Reload." As the fearsome foursome continue on their latest adventure, what will happen when they are faced with a new kind of enemy?... czytaj dalej
Japonia, miasto Sasahara, czasy współczesne. Ze studzienki kanalizacyjnej wychodzi nagi, okrwawiony mężczyzna. Ludzie są zdziwieni, nieznany natyka się na studenta, którego obryzguje krwią z ust, po czym umiera... czytaj dalej