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Sun-Ken Rock tom 4
Boichi Wydawnictwo: inne

Ken, a young Japanese guy, is in love with a young Korean girl Yumin. He followed her in Korea and wants to become a policeman just like her. But then, he finds himself at the head of a local gang. What will happen to Ken?... czytaj dalej

Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 16
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

Kyo and Hotaru begin a fight to the death at the first of the Five Shining Gates. The two collide in a sizzling-hot flame that burns up both their bodies--and makes the ground tremble! Then Kyo's ultimate technique... czytaj dalej

X-Factor tom 3. Wiele żyć Madrox'a
Peter David, Khoi Pham Wydawnictwo: inne

Five words to strike fear into the hearts of spies and evildoers everywhere: Jamie Madrox, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Except that when Madrox decides it's time to start gathering in the stray dupes that are still... czytaj dalej

Let Dai tom 9
Soo-yeon Won Wydawnictwo: inne

Dai learns the hard way that even someone as powerful as he is can know the fear of losing a loved one. His grandma's health teeters on the edge of a knife and pushes him further into nihilism. Only Jaehee... czytaj dalej

Lovely Complex tom 3
Aya Nakahara Wydawnictwo: inne

W szkole pojawia się nowy student - Haruka. Risa zna chłopaka od przedszkola. Haruka chciałby móc z nią chodzić, ale zauważa, że Risa jest zainteresowana kimś innym.... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 22
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

As if taking on a totally new personality, Ryoma plays an unpredictable match, switching to his left hand and winning point after point. Where does his intensity come from? A bonus story about an entirely different... czytaj dalej

Hana no Namae tom 4
Ken Saitou Wydawnictwo: inne

An orphaned girl and a reclusive writer form an unlikely bond. Devastated by the loss of both parents in a tragic accident, 18-year-old Chouko Mizushima loses her will to live. After living at the homes of... czytaj dalej

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tom 17
Akira Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

The Power of the Rings Tsuna and his friends have been thrust ten years into the future, where all is decidedly not well. Their only hope of survival seems to lie with Lal Mirch, one-time associate of Tsuna's father Iemitsu.... czytaj dalej

Koi no Shizuku
Akiho Kousaka Wydawnictwo: inne

Maya and Narusawa, college students at the same university, start sleeping together in what was supposed to be a purely physical relationship. Maya, however, starts to fall deeper into the relationship and... czytaj dalej