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13 MAJA 2008
Good Luck tom 5
E-Jin Kang Wydawnictwo: inne

The final volume! Shi-Hyun starts to feel like she has to compete for Ma-Hyun's love with the girl she used to be before she lost her memory--a competition that's rigged from the start! And Shi-Woo, seeing... czytaj dalej

Coelacanth tom 1
Kayoko Shimotsuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Ten years ago, there was an explosion at Hisano's apartment building. She would have been there, but she'd been hit by a bike ridden by a boy in blood-stained clothes. He dropped a fake gem when it happened... czytaj dalej

12 MAJA 2008
Kwa Vadis
praca zbiorowa; Wydawnictwo: Egmont Tom 12 cyklu: MegaGiga

Koń trojańskiMiki i Goofy wyruszają na poszukiwania profesora Zapotka, który utknął gdzieś niedaleko Troi, w czasach gdy sandały były szczytem elegancji... Tak, profesor znów dał się ponieść wehikułowi... czytaj dalej

10 MAJA 2008
Kono Koi wa Himitsu
Sakufu Ajimine Wydawnictwo: inne

After a fallout with his father, Alvin takes time off to visit India and indulge in his love of exotic places. When he meets Razil, it's love at first sight and the two of them return to England as lovers.... czytaj dalej

09 MAJA 2008
Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 18
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

After his battle with Saishi, Akira collapses! Bontenmaru can carry him through the Second Gate, but there they must choose between two doors... Meanwhile, Izumo-no-Okuni searches for the same mysterious jewel... czytaj dalej

06 MAJA 2008
Yoshihiro Tatsumi Wydawnictwo: Kultura gniewu

Masahiko wynajmuje detektywa, by ten odnalazł jego młodzieńczą miłość - Hisako. Co się stało z dziewczyną, którą zniknęła kilka lat temu, i o której chłopak nie może zapomnieć? Mika to wyzwolona kobieta... czytaj dalej

Nana tom 10
Ai Yazawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Being engaged isn't as wonderful as Hachi thought it would be. She has a trendy new apartment, but she's isolated from all her friends and Takumi is hardly ever home. When scandal hits hard, Trapnest (and her... czytaj dalej

Nodame Cantabile tom 13
Tomoko Ninomiya Wydawnictwo: inne

Nodame and Chiaki are spending Christmas in Paris . . . but not together. Nodame is performing in a nativity play while Chiaki is alone, brooding over the past. But when they see each other again, the sparks... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 25
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

It's Seishun versus Rikkai in the Kanto Tournament Finals, and the action is heating up. Sadaharu must confront his childhood friend Renji Yanagi, while Shusuke faces off against Akaya Kirihara, Rikkai's brilliant--and... czytaj dalej

B.O.D.Y. tom 1
Ao Mimori Wydawnictwo: inne

Everyone thinks 16-year-old Sakura has weird taste in guys because she can't stop drooling over Fuji, the strong silent type who sits next to her in class. When she discovers he works for a host club--where... czytaj dalej