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01 MAJA 1981
Saga Guin tom 6
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

Guin decides to leave his friends in search of the legendary Lagon. He must find the giant warriors before the fragile Sem alliance unravels and the tribes fall to the Mongauli. Meanwhile, Istavan the mercenary's... czytaj dalej

29 WRZEŚNIA 1980
Saga Guin tom 5
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

Guin decides to leave his friends in search of the legendary Lagon. He must find the giant warriors before the fragile Sem alliance unravels and the tribes fall to the Mongauli. Meanwhile, Istavan the mercenary's... czytaj dalej

31 MAJA 1980
Saga Guin tom 4
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

Guin decides to leave his friends in search of the legendary Lagon. He must find the giant warriors before the fragile Sem alliance unravels and the tribes fall to the Mongauli. Meanwhile, Istavan the mercenary's... czytaj dalej

29 LUTEGO 1980
Saga Guin tom 3
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

Guin is a mighty warrior, who cannot remember his past. His only clue is a leopard mask mystically attached to his head. Joined by the royal twins of Parros, Remus and Rinda; Suni, the simian-girl; and Istavan... czytaj dalej

01 STYCZNIA 1980
Przygody Jonki, Jonka i Kleksa, część 1
Szarlota Pawel Wydawnictwo: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza

Pierwsze wydanie komiksu, zawierające kilka historyjek... czytaj dalej

30 WRZEŚNIA 1979
Saga Guin tom 2
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

Guin is a mighty warrior, who cannot remember his past. His only clue is a leopard mask mystically attached to his head. Joined by the royal twins of Parros, Remus and Rinda; Suni, the simian-girl; and Istavan... czytaj dalej

29 WRZEŚNIA 1979
Saga Guin tom 1
Kaoru Kurimoto, Hajime Sawada Wydawnictwo: inne

In a single day and night of fierce fighting, the Archduchy of Mongaul has overrun its elegant neighbor, Parros. The lost priest kindgom's surviving royalty, the young twins Rinda and Remus, hide in a forest... czytaj dalej

10 GRUDNIA 1965
Uncanny X-Men vol. 15
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby; Wydawnictwo: Tom 15 cyklu: Uncanny X-Men

Prisoners of the mysterious Mast Mold!... czytaj dalej

Uncanny X-Men vol. 14
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby; Wydawnictwo: Tom 14 cyklu: Uncanny X-Men

Among us stalk... the Sentinels!... czytaj dalej

10 WRZEŚNIA 1965
Uncanny X-Men vol. 13
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby; Wydawnictwo: Tom 13 cyklu: Uncanny X-Men

Where walks the Juggernaut!... czytaj dalej