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Akira is beginning a new school year at Kaio Middle School. With his daunting reputation as the Toya Meijin's son, Akira finds he must prove himself to more than a few mean and jealous classmates. And with... czytaj dalej
Chiaki and Oloron have been living together in a strange, yet happy way. But on the other hand, thugs aimed at Orolon's neck did not stop.Meanwhile, due to the difference in values of life, the two are brutal... czytaj dalej
A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... It's Valentines Day and you know what that means - lots of chocolates for the cutest boys at school! In this case... czytaj dalej
Nakamura Sano feels great stress when his girlfriend asks him to meet her father. When he gets the courage to come visit, he discovers that her father is actually a first class DJ who doesn't want his daughter... czytaj dalej
With sure ans steady moves, Sai and Hikaru are making a name Hikaru Shindo as the one who might possibly beat the venerable Akira Toya. Wait. Who are we kidding? Hikaru: sure and steady...? Yeah, right! In... czytaj dalej
Seiichirou Kitano is a naive and kind boy with the heart of an angel and the face of a devil. Upon entering his new school he is presumed to be a villainous heroin addict, and unwittingly becomes the leader... czytaj dalej
Ostatnia strona : Oto tom pełen atrakcji: "Ukochany księżniczki Kagui" - poprawiony pierwowzór filmu z końca 1994: "Sailormoon S" - plus "Wspomnienie o casablankach": opowiadanie z Rei w roli głównej - plus... czytaj dalej
Tego jeszcze nie było! Daltonowie - najbardziej zatwardziali przestępcy na Dzikim Zachodzie - uczestniczą w seansach psychoanalizy. Profesor Otto von Himbeergeist, psychiatra z Niemiec, uważa, że może ich wyleczyć... czytaj dalej
Kubota Makoto and Tokitoh Minoru (characters from Kazuya Minekura's manga Wild Adaptor—though no reference is made to the darker storyline of WA in this light-hearted anime)—are the muscle of their... czytaj dalej
From the first floor, to the roof of the bowling alley, the Juken Club wages a desperate battle against the Executive Committee's deadliest members! While Bob is offered a chance to survive by joining the other... czytaj dalej