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During the last decade, there has been a shift in the governance and management of fisheries to a broader approach that recognizes the participation of fishers, local stewardship, and shared decision-making... czytaj dalej
A practical guide to using gas exchange techniques in clinical and research settings, explaining exercise testing technology and its applications. After background material on exercise physiology and cardiopulmonary... czytaj dalej
During the nineteenth century, the Shakers conducted America's first successfulexperiment in utopian living. From Maine to Kentucky, they built communal villages whose unique buildings were designed to accommodate... czytaj dalej
Soil-crop-atmosphere interactions play a central role in the multiple functions of rural landscapes. Agro-ecosystem models are increasingly used to support decision making on different scales towards sustainable... czytaj dalej
In today's Ireland, it's not only the economy that's booming. Dublin-based architects O'Donnell + Tuomey have brought a wealth of exciting buildings to the Emerald Isle for the past 17 years. Their striking... czytaj dalej
Whether it's worn at the pool or as a cover-up or out on the town as an evening cloak, the poncho is everywhere. With Viva Poncho, knitters can make this sartorial sensation their own. This knitting book focusing... czytaj dalej
Dealing with every major colour system for both print and Web, "Color Management for Logos" provides readers with a solid understanding of all aspects of logo design. Featuring over 1000 examples... czytaj dalej
Małgorzata Runiewicz Adiunkt w Centrum Badawczym TIGER Wyższej Szkoły Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania im. Leona Koźmińskiego w WarszawieWykształcenie:2004 - uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych ze specjalizacji... czytaj dalej
This book, organised in an extremely-user friendly manner, equips the landscape architect with all of the required knowledge in business and law. It is of great value to Landscape architects throughout their... czytaj dalej
Teoretyczne ujęcia wykładni prawaCharakterystyka właściwości polskich tekstów prawnychPraktyczna wersja koncepcji derywacyjnejDyrektywy postępowania interpretacyjnego... czytaj dalej