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"Handbook of Pig Medicine" provides the knowledge needed to recognize, diagnose, treat and control pig diseases in practice. The book deals with medical, surgical and reproductive problems in pigs... czytaj dalej
Born in Estonia in 1901, Louis Isidore Kahn was to become one of the United States' most important architects of the post-war period, alongside the Modern masters Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier... czytaj dalej
Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej oznacza wprowadzenie nowych zasad roszczeń ubezpieczeniowych przez osoby poszkodowane w wypadkach komunikacyjnych za granicą. Niniejszy komentarz ma pomóc środowisku... czytaj dalej
Trzecia już część sławnego komiksu Wolverine.... czytaj dalej
Once again, new interpretations are presented of some of the most famous architecture of the period. Work by lesser-known architects, whose influence and role have been overlooked by conventional histories... czytaj dalej
Hair and Fashion considers both the historical development of this relationship and its contemporary significance, focusing on key moments from the 1920s bob to the long-haired hippie look of the 1960s and... czytaj dalej
This market-leading text emphasizes the prevention and management of athletic injuries and remains the only text to cover all aspects of the profession of athletic training. A valuable resource in seeking professional... czytaj dalej
Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings. This work deals with the Willis Faber Dumas Building, and includes a comprehensive set... czytaj dalej
From Dior's New Look to Belgian deconstructionism, Japanese futurism and British eclecticism, fashion since 1947 has gone through a bewildering array of changes, Providing a thematic survey of fashion, each... czytaj dalej
Includes: -20 cutting-edge promotional campaigns with proven track records -Creative solutions to the challenges of promotion in today's saturated market -An insider's look at how great campaigns are born,... czytaj dalej