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"... Czym jest baza danych? baza danych nie jest w istocie rzeczy niczym więcej niż zbiorem danych istniejącym przez długi czas, często przez wiele lat..."... czytaj dalej
This book is intended to provide a treatment of the theory and applications of Stochastic Neural Networks, that is networks able to learn random processes from experience, on the basis of recent developments... czytaj dalej
Czego nauczysz się dzięki tej książce? : jak korzystać z interfejsu programu, tworzenia grafiki i wprowadzania zmian do projektu, importowania plików wideo, tworzenia prostych animacji klatka po klatce, tworzenia... czytaj dalej
Indexing and information retrieval work properly only if language and interpretation are shared by creator and user. This is more complex for non-verbal media. The authors of Indexing Multimedia and Creative... czytaj dalej
Beginning Visual C# 2005 Creating next-generation software and applications is now easier than ever with the release of Visual C# 2005. This accessible book guides you through all aspects of C# programming... czytaj dalej
All Your Unix Questions - Answered! "Mastering Unix" is your source for everything you need to know about today's most influential operating system. Inside, two Unix experts provide essential information... czytaj dalej
Get ready to dive into Cubase SX or SL 3! This book provides a thorough look at the most common as well as lesser-known features of this impressive digital audio production software. Beyond describing the features... czytaj dalej
Distance education technology combines communication with educational and intelligent methods to develop software and hardware systems that support learning activities with spatiotemporal flexibilities.Future... czytaj dalej
CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive study tool for preparing for the new CCNP BCMSN exam. As the newest installment of the all-time best-selling BCMSN book, it provides... czytaj dalej
Brilliant guides allow you to find the info you need easily and without fuss and guide you through the task using a highly visual, step-by-step approach #150; providing exactly what you need to know, when you... czytaj dalej