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Luxury of Space
O. Gili Wydawnictwo: inne

Fleeting human moments memorialized by Oberto Gili#8217;s camera translate formally into beautifully balanced classical images. His camera, like his personality, is whimsical questioning, non-judgemental and... czytaj dalej

Sophie CalleSophie Calle
Macel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive retrospective of Sophie Calle not only celebrates the breadth of her iconoclastic work but also leads to a deeper understanding of her unique artistic vision. The work of conceptual artist... czytaj dalej

Dali Genius Obsession & Lust
R. Schiebler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text analyzes the different periods of the Dali's development from 1921 to 1983, supported by a selection of his paintings. It presents interpretations of Dali's pictures, using the artist's own writings... czytaj dalej

Amandes Ameres
Jean-Marc Bustamante Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Amandes Amčres, or Bitter Almonds, is a portfolio of colour photographs; intense yet contemplative cityscape images of the cityscape, from Buenos Aires to Miami to Tel Aviv. A work of art in its own right,... czytaj dalej

Spory o ikony na Rusi w XV i XVI w.
Aleksandra Sulikowska-Gąska Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Praca dotyczy powstania na Rusi Moskiewskiej specyficznej odmiany teologii ikony - stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny jej narodzin. Przedstawia procesy przemian myśli o sztuce na Rusi, w kontekście... czytaj dalej

Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago De Compostela
Annie Shaver-Crandell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The 12th-century Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela, the earliest account of the pilgrim routes through France and Northern Spain to the shrine of St. James, is such a text. Surviving in twelve copies... czytaj dalej

Leave Any Information at the Signal
Ruscha Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ed Ruscha is among the most innovative artists of the last forty years. He is also one of the first Americans to introduce a critique of popular culture and an examination of language into the visual arts.... czytaj dalej

Radford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This thought-provoking book re-evaluates the work of one of the best-known and most visually influential artists of the twentieth century. Robert Radford traces Dali`s career from the crucial early years in... czytaj dalej

Polish Film Twentieth Century History
R. Hammond,Ch Ford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here is a history and filmography of the Polish cinema through the end of the twentieth century, with special attention to political and economic contexts. Each chapter includes discussions of important directors... czytaj dalej

Locating Renaissance Art
Richardson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Renaissance art history is traditionally identified with Italian centres of production, and Florence in particular. Instead, this book explores the dynamic interchange between European artistic centres and... czytaj dalej