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Okres od panowania Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego po 1. ćwierć XIX wieku to czas przemian w kulturze artystycznej, w tym w malarstwie. Nowa sytuacja artysty i mecenasa, kolekcjonerstwo i znawstwo, narodziny... czytaj dalej
This comprehensive retrospective of Sophie Calle not only celebrates the breadth of her iconoclastic work but also leads to a deeper understanding of her unique artistic vision. The work of conceptual artist... czytaj dalej
Movie Acting: The Film Reader explores one of the most central but often overlooked aspects of cinema: film acting. Combining classic and recent essays, it examines key issues such as: What constitutes film... czytaj dalej
Amandes Amčres, or Bitter Almonds, is a portfolio of colour photographs; intense yet contemplative cityscape images of the cityscape, from Buenos Aires to Miami to Tel Aviv. A work of art in its own right,... czytaj dalej
Praca dotyczy powstania na Rusi Moskiewskiej specyficznej odmiany teologii ikony - stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny jej narodzin. Przedstawia procesy przemian myśli o sztuce na Rusi, w kontekście... czytaj dalej
Realism in the art of the 20th century is striking for its diversity. Although not bound together stylistically or by a "manifesto" of intention, a common thread in realist art is a commitment to... czytaj dalej
Sarah Lucas is one of the best known of the so-called young British artists that came to prominence in the 1990s. Active in a variety of media including sculpture, photography and installation, her perennial... czytaj dalej
The achievement of Christopher Wood has often been overshadowed by the legend that grew up around his life after his dramatic suicide at the age of 29. Increasingly, however, critics have come to see his work... czytaj dalej
Codognato jewelers has been a landmark in Venice for over a century. It remains a distinguished island in a city whose heart has tended to erode. In 1866, Simeone Codognato decided to open his shop in the very... czytaj dalej
There are a thousand stories in the land of Narnia -- how Andrew Adamson brought The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe to the big screen is one of them. How do you turn a book into a movie? How did the moviemakers... czytaj dalej