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Essentials of Strategic Management
J. Hunger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate and graduate level strategic management courses. Hunger/Wheelen is a concise book that covers the most important concepts and techniques in strategic management.Hunger/Wheelen is a concise... czytaj dalej

State Nation Transnation
B. Yeoh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This edited volume examines the relationship between the nation and the transnation, focusing on transnational communities in the Asia-Pacific region. Setting the book within a theoretical framework, the authors... czytaj dalej

Conservative Infertility Management
C. Keck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In many countries, the management of infertility treatment is not undertaken by IVF specialists, but by general gynecologists or primary health practitioners. Whereas specific training and/or a license is required... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Mammography
Y. Ng Wydawnictwo: inne

X-Ray mammography is the most valuable imaging technique used in the detection and evaluation of breast disease. This book is intended to provide radiologists in-training and in practice with a practical guide... czytaj dalej

Top Class Competitors
Garelli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Three decades ago competitiveness was unheard-of; today it has taken the world by storm. But what is it? And will it last? In Top Class Competitors Stéphane Garelli - professor at IMD business school where... czytaj dalej

Recent Dynamics of Mediterranean Vegetation & Landscape
S. Mazzoleni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As part of its work the under the auspices of the Environment Programme of the European Commission, the ModMED research project analyzed the vegetation at sites in Italy, Greece, and Portugal using aerial photo-interpretation... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics 3 vols
Stein,de Borst,Hughes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over the past four decades computational methods in applied mechanics have developed into valuable tools that are widely used across both industry and academia. The applications are numerous: aerospace structures... czytaj dalej

Postharvest Pathogens & Disease Management
P. Narayanasamy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

POSTHARVEST PATHOGENS AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT Postharvest diseases caused by microbial pathogens account for millions of dollars in losses of both durable and perishable produce products every year. Moreover... czytaj dalej

Lecture Notes on Emergency Medicine
Moulton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This core text covers all aspects of accident and emergency medicine. It concentrates on the essentials with "immediate action" first and then subsequent treatments. Crafted by two outstanding physicians... czytaj dalej

RYA Book of Diesel Engines
Barlett Wydawnictwo: inne

Based on the RYA's Diesel Engine Course, this text explains how a diesel engine works and how to look after it. This second edition is revised to take into account developments in engine technology since the... czytaj dalej